Health & Nutrition

The latest health news on the benefits of eating a plant-based diet to prevent and lower your risk of heart disease, obesity, cancer and more.

What Is SIBO and How is It Different Than IBS? Experts Explain
What Is SIBO and How is It Different Than IBS? Experts Explain
What Is SIBO and How is It Different Than IBS? Experts Explain
When you have abdominal pain, bloating, or discomfort, you may think that you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) but you could actually have SIBO or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. Yes, this is confusing, but it turns out there is a reason to figure it out since now there's a new less restrictive diet created by two doctors that can help bring much-needed relief to sufferers of SIBO... Rea
“I Tried Drinking Spirulina Every Day for a Week. Here’s What Happened”
“I Tried Drinking Spirulina Every Day for a Week. Here’s What Happened”
“I Tried Drinking Spirulina Every Day for a Week. Here’s What Happened”
I am not one for supplements. I hate pills, distrust drugs and pharmaceutical companies, and believe in getting my nutrients the old-fashioned way, by eating plant-based foods such as fruit, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. But when the Fresh Farm folks sent me over a large canister of spirulina cubes (essentially frozen iced cubes of dense-packed spirulina algae), I decided this
What is IBS? Here’s What to Eat to Improve Symptoms, from a Doctor
What is IBS? Here’s What to Eat to Improve Symptoms, from a Doctor
What is IBS? Here’s What to Eat to Improve Symptoms, from a Doctor
An estimated 25 to 45 million Americans suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which roughly translates to almost 15 percent of the adult population. This chronic disease affects everyone differently and treating it means finding ways to improve and manage your unique symptoms, which can range from gastrointestinal distress to abdominal cramping and pain. There is n...
Here’s What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Eating Cheese
Here’s What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Eating Cheese
Here’s What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Eating Cheese
When people go plant-based, it's often not the idea of giving up meat that proves difficult. It's cheese. There's a reason for that. In a study on food and addiction, Yale researchers found that cheese triggers the same neuroreceptors for pleasure that drugs do since cheese contains casein, a dairy protein that during digestion releases casomorphine, which plays directly on the brain's dopamine re
Your Guide to Getting Enough Calcium on a Vegan or Plant-Based Diet
Your Guide to Getting Enough Calcium on a Vegan or Plant-Based Diet
Your Guide to Getting Enough Calcium on a Vegan or Plant-Based Diet
You probably didn’t grow up hearing “drink your kale smoothie for strong bones!” or “eat your tofu to have fewer cavities!” If you’re increasingly eating more plant-based foods, you may wonder whether it's possible to get enough calcium on a vegan diet to stay healthy. Experts believe that plant-based or vegan diets can supp...
What Is the Healthiest Nut Butter? A Nutritionist Answers
What Is the Healthiest Nut Butter? A Nutritionist Answers
What Is the Healthiest Nut Butter? A Nutritionist Answers
We grew up on the classic peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but now there’s way more than one nut butter in the game. While it can be comforting to stick with what we know, switching things up for a different spread could be beneficial for both your health and the environment, which begs the question, which nut butter is the healthiest? N...

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