5 High-Fiber Recipes That Help Boost Weight Loss
Spring is the time of year when many nutritionists see their clients most eager to lose weight, including Nicole Osinga, RD, who told The Beet she hears "a lot of people are trying to lose weight this time of year." That said, if you are one of those people who want to lose weight to get healthier, or tone up to build lean muscle, you're not alone.
To help you get started on your health journey, we've compiled a list of 5 high-fiber recipes that boost satiety and weight loss and also have great taste. By adding these meals to your healthy diet, you'll be one step closer to your goals, but don't forget, consistency is key, and exercising will speed up the process.
Note that women should aim to eat at least 21 to 25 grams of fiber a day, and men should eat 30 to 38 grams, according to the USDA, but the reality is, most Americans only eat 15 grams of fiber per day. For weight loss purposes, a study published in Annals of Internal Medicine suggests eating 30 grams of fiber each day to boost weight loss. Keep in mind that everyone's body is different and you should always consult your doctor for health advice.
These 5 Recipes Are Healthy and Delicious
One of Osinga's tips to help others not only lose weight but maintain weight loss is to enjoy what you're eating. "If a diet is designed to restrict you from your favorite foods, you will be miserable and there is no way that you will stick to it long term," said Osinga, RD.
We hand-picked these recipes created by plant-based chefs that know how to make healthy eating easy and enjoyable so you can stay on track with your weight loss goals.
In addition to weight loss, each recipe includes more than one superfood ingredient that helps boost overall health and immunity. Quinoa, for example, is a whole grain that's loaded with an abundance of essential nutrients and minerals like zinc, folate, which help fight diseases, and iron which helps boost energy and your overall health. The quinoa salad recipe on this list is also unique to weight loss because it's created by Chef AJ who lost 100 pounds by eating plant-based and adding this meal into her diet.
If you're looking for more than just weight-loss friendly, and high-fiber recipes, sign up for The Beet's Plant-Based Diet created by Nicole Osinga, RD, and you'll gain access to a 2-week meal planner, daily expert tips, daily newsletters, shopping lists, and access to an online community to help you lose weight and get back on track with healthy eating.
5 High-Fiber Recipes That Help Boost Weight Loss
These recipes are in order from most fiber to least fiber.
1. One-Pot Recipe: Healthy Moroccan-Style Vegan Lentil Stew
This stew is rich, hearty, warming, and comforting – perfect for colder days. It’s packed with protein-rich lentils, nutritious veggies, and flavorful, aromatic spices. Your recipe developer, Evi Oravecz, also includes different ways to make this recipe even healthier by skipping out on the oil or adding more kale or swiss chard to the mix.
This recipe contains 30.6 grams of fiber per serving.
2. Blackened Tofu and Brussels Sprouts Salad
The combination of vegetables and tofu is a simple way to increase the amount of fiber in a recipe. Not only is this salad rich in fiber, but it also contains 13.6 grams of plant-based protein. Enjoy this nutritious salad for lunch or dinner.
This recipe contains 13.9 grams of fiber per serving.
3. Chef AJ’s Quinoa Salad With Fresh Herbs, Currants, and Pomegranate
Naturally gluten-free and high in protein, quinoa has a subtle nutty flavor. Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) is a good source of several minerals, including manganese, phosphorus, copper, folate, iron, magnesium, and zinc and it’s exceptionally high in the amino acid lysine. Make this salad for a healthy and satisfying lunch or dinner.
This recipe contains 12.9 grams of fiber per serving.
4. Vegan Tuscan Chickpea Soup
Tender chickpeas provide healthy amounts of protein and gut-healthy fiber, fueling your body through even the longest of days. Paired with vibrant vegetables like red onions, bell peppers, and carrots, each bowl is a nutrient-dense powerhouse.
This recipe contains 12.9 grams of fiber per serving.
Recipe: Vegan Tuscan Chickpea Soup
5. Berry Baked Oatmeal
This recipe is different from the others on this list because it's included in The Beet's Plant-Based Diet program created by Nicole Osinga, RD, and unlocked to you for free. Osinga explains that this breakfast works for weight loss: Oatmeal leaves you satisfied longer, so you’ll eat less and be full until lunch, due to the high fiber content. One cup of oatmeal has 4 grams of fiber.
This recipe contains 11 grams of fiber per serving.
Recipe: Berry Baked Oatmeal
For more lists of recipes, check out:
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