Celebrity Diets: How Adele, Rebel Wilson & Kelly Osbourne Lost Weight For Good
Adele, Rebel Wilson, and Kelly Osbourne all lost weight recently, and each celebrity diet had one thing in common: They all wanted to lose weight to get healthier.
The focus for each celebrity who dieted and lost a significant amount of eight was not to look better or do it for others, or even to lose weight per se, but instead, to work towards a sustainable healthy lifestyle. Adele wanted to be a better mother to her son, and have more energy to do the things he loved doing. Rebel Wilson wanted to become a mother one day and freeze her eggs to keep her options open, and Kelly Osbourne wanted to get mentally healthier and feel her best and get healthy so she could get pregnant and look forward to becoming a mom.
How the Celebrities Lost Weight
There is another thing each of these celebrity diets have in common: None of them starved themselves or did unhealthy cleanses. Instead, all of these stars incorporated more plant foods into their diets for balanced nutrition and practiced stress-relieving activities like taking long walks, journaling to relieve stress and avoid emotional eating, and added weight training and other regular exercises into their routine to tone up.
Here's how each star lost more than 60 pounds and kept it off, and here's how you can try their methods on your own. Note that Osbourne also sought medical intervention, but even then, weight loss procedures won't work or sustain a healthy body weight if you don't also practice healthy dieting and lifestyle changes like eating more fruits and vegetables and avoiding added sugar and junk food.
How Adele Lost 100 Pounds: The Sirtfood Diet, Low-Impact Training, and Pilates
In her early thirties, Adele's goal was to live healthier. "I want to be there for my son," she said. On her 32nd birthday, Adele showed off the results of her health journey in a black dress on Instagram, down 100 pounds, smiling, and full of energy.
Her secret to losing weight was going on the Sirtfood Diet, a diet developed by two British Nutritionists, Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten, who wrote the book that is the "official" guide: The Official Sirtfood Diet.
Sirtfood is a form of plant-based eating that includes vegetables and greens that are rich in antioxidants such as kale, celery, rocket, parsley, green tea, and lemon. These antioxidants are known to help rev the metabolism and boost the body's stress-fighting genes that also work to promote longevity and anti-aging. The diet allows for 1,000 calories per day the first week and bumps it up to 1,500 per day the second week, and includes a specific list of foods you can eat:
What to Eat on the Sirtfood Diet
- Kale
- Red wine
- Strawberries
- Onions
- Garlic
- Soy
- Parsley
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Dark chocolate (85 percent cacao)
- Matcha green tea
- Buckwheat
- Turmeric
- Walnuts
- Arugula (rocket)
- Bird’s eye chili (peppers)
- Lovage (herb)
- Medjool dates
- Red chicory
- Blueberries
- Capers
- Coffee
Adele shared her journey on her social channels and said she loved the daily green juice first thing in the morning. Adele drank a mixture of kale, arugula, parsley, celery, ginger, green apple, lemon, and matcha green tea. Then, she would weight train with trainer Pete Geracimo, lifting dumbells and performing bicep curls.
Adele also frequented the Pilates studio for reformer classes with trainer Camila Goodis, who offers free classes on her Instagram so you can follow the same moves Adele loves.
How to Do the Sirtfood Diet:
Make a list of your favorite recipes and meals that include foods from the Stirtfood-approved list and meal prep. Do not allow other inflammatory ingredients such as added sugar or refined flour to make their way into the dishes or snacks you eat.
Drink lots of water and get ready to become best friends with your blender, since you'll want to add all types of greens like kale and berries to give your morning juice an extra boost of nutrients
The best news about the Sirtfood Diet is that you can still enjoy your favorite glass of red wine and even a small amount of dark chocolate since both are high in antioxidants! To show you exactly how the Sirtfood Diet is done, The Beet tried the Sirtfood Diet and captured meal prep and juice-making on video. And remember to consult your doctor before trying any strict diet.
How Rebel Wilson Lost 60 Pounds: "Year of Health," Mindful Eating & Journaling
Rebel Wilson dedicated January 2020 to being her "year of health," and as a result, she lost more than 60 pounds. During that year, she held herself accountable for choosing healthier food options, listening to her body when she was full, staying present around food, and journaling about her feelings without restraints.
The biggest reason Wilson, 42, wanted to get healthy was so she could freeze her eggs. Back in 2019, the Aussie-born actor visited a fertility doctor who advised her to lose weight in order to have an easier time putting "healthy eggs in the bank." At first, she thought his comment was rude, but then she realized he was right – she could stop eating ice cream for dinner and other unhealthy habits – and took action.
Wilson prioritized eating a balanced diet, high in greens and healthy lean protein, and cutting out the emotional eating.
She also ate smaller portions, something she learned at a European spa visit at a place that taught self-care and mindful eating along with portion control and a healthy diet. It's all based on a 100-year-old diet method called the Mayr Method, which emphasizes eating a diet high in healthy vegetables and high-protein foods and being mindful about eating while avoiding added sugars and stress-eating that leads to reaching for junk food.
Wilson also allowed herself to focus on self-care, which she credited to be one of the "biggest and best" parts of her weight loss journey. The Mayr Method dates back to the 1920s when a doctor in Austria named Dr. Franz Xaver Mayr created this method, and there are still clinics that teach it in Europe, including the original one in Austria, where Wilson went in 2019
Rebel Wilson Added Exercise to Her Diet Routine
All good diets become a lifestyle, and they are more sustainable when you add exercise. Wilson started daily low-impact exercises like walking long distances and adding weights into her routine to tone up. Wilson told fans on her IG live she enjoys walking Griffin Park when she's in Los Angeles and towards the Statute of Liberty when she's in New York. "I never realized how much I liked hiking and getting out in nature. There's nothing better than filling your lungs with fresh air," she said.
"I still eat a chocolate bar, but it's not every day," she explained during her "year of health." Wilson's goal was to move on from the past and forgive herself for listening to the producers who encouraged her to stay fat because they believed it was part of her character. Wilson's role as Fat Amy in Pitch Perfect – the friend who excessively ate food and dissed skinny girl behavior – was just her onscreen persona, not how she wanted to live her life.
For Wilson, prioritizing her emotional health was the "biggest and best thing" that helped her achieve her weight loss goals. "I had to figure out why I was overeating and why I was emotionally eating," said Wilson in the Instagram live video.
The star also relied on her personal journal to help her stay committed. She used a technique called "purge emotional writing," something her doctor recommended doing to release negative emotion, and Wilson swears by it.
Try Rebel Wilson's Journaling Method
Take out your phone or set a 12-minute timer on your watch and then begin to write in a paged journal and start writing your feelings down. Jot down everything you're feeling and include what you're grateful for. Then at the end of the 12 minutes, add a positive "self-love note" to yourself.
After you're finished writing – here's the fun part – take the journal entry and destroy it. You can either burn it or flush it down the toilet to "cleanse your emotions." That way you are symbolically letting go and purging your mind of negative emotions. Get rid of it and you'll feel like you've cleansed your thoughts and feelings.
How Kelly Osbourne Lost 85 Pounds: Plant-Based Diet, Fasting and Exercise
"I was so f***ing happy and I felt amazing," Kelly Osbourne said about her weight loss transformation. "I did it for me," she adds. Osbourne has been very open about her former drug addiction and has explained that the reason she wanted to lose weight and get healthier was to live longer and healthier and start a family. Now she is expecting her first child, and couldn't be more thrilled.
"I wanted the body to match the mind, because I, I spent so much time working on my mind, and then I spent a year working on my body and now it's about the soul," she said.
To do so, Kelly Osbourne dieted and also sought medical help to make sure her dieting would work. She underwent gastric sleeve surgery two years ago. "All it does is change the shape of your stomach," Osbourne said. She was able to keep the weight off by intermittent fasting and eating plant-based foods, though now that she is pregnant she is eating for two and has to consider that in the equation, so no more dieting for the moment – but she is continuing her healthy habits! She regularly performs low-impact workouts like walking and yoga.
Kelly Osbourne's Diet Is Actually a Lifestyle Change
Osbourne referred to her weight loss approach as not so much of a diet as a "healthy lifestyle change." It was about feeling healthy rather than a need to be skinny. "Once I learned how to work out right and eat right," she told the HuffPost, "it’s one of those things that you just have to commit to [as] a life change rather than being on a diet. Because a diet doesn’t work. You lose weight and you stop it and it will all come back. So you just have to take baby steps, commit to something, and stay true to it."
The health journey also shifted her mental focus, and the star committed to sobriety. "I am an addict and had thought that I had enough time under my belt and I could drink like a normal person, and it turns out I cannot and I will never be normal," she explained. "I don't know why I even tried it. It's not for me and it took me a matter of days and I was like done, not doing this." Now, the 37-year-old star is committed more than ever to her healthy lifestyle and becoming a mom!
How to Start a Plant-Based Diet
Eating a plant-based diet helps lower inflammation in the body, reduces your risk of disease, extends your lifespan, and helps aid weight loss. If you're looking for an easy seven-day plan to start your plant-based journey, try The Beet's Free Beginner's Guide which includes expert advice, motivating tips, shopping lists, helpful "what-to-watch" guides, and five recipes a day: Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, and Dessert.
If you want to eat plant-based with the goal to lose weight naturally, try The Plant-Based Diet created by Nicole Osinga, RD and you'll get a 100-page e-book full of recipes, Osgina's daily tips, shopping lists, and more.
How to Intermittent Fast
There are different methods of Intermittent fasting (IF) and time periods of eating and fasting to lose weight are up to you. Most people shoot for 14 to 16 hours of fasting and then 8 or 6 hours of healthy eating so you try to have an early dinner and not eat until lunch the next day.
When losing weight by intermittent fasting, you don't need to do it every day, but can also choose to have two low-calorie days per week. This is known as the Twice a Week (5:2) method where you eat less than 500 calories for two days a week.
The Alternate-Day fasting method calls for a 24-hour fasting period once or twice a week. Alternate-Day fasting means you will fast every other day. If you're interested in intermittent fasting, choose one of these methods depending on your preferences, and always consult with your doctor.
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