Check Out These Free Resources for Making it Easy to Go Plant-Based
Now that you've tried a plant-based approach to your health and weight loss goals, there are so many delicious recipes and foods to add to your diet that can make it easy to keep going.
Whether you're looking to add more fruits and vegetables into your diet every day, or want to make the switch to a fully plant-based approach, there's a meal plan for you. For more on how to eat healthy and ditch animal products and switch to mostly plant-based nutrition, check out these plans, recipes and product reviews. Download the app for a recipe of the day and more daily content to keep up the great work!
The Beet’s Smoothie of the Day 12 Day Newsletter
The Beet’s Two-Week Clean Eating Plan
The Beet’s Newsletters
The Beet’s Free Recipes
The Beet’s Find Vegan Near Me
The Beet’s Guides to Where to Get Your Protein: Vegetables, Legumes, Grains, Nuts & Seeds
The Beet Meters for the tastiest, healthiest products
Sign up for The VegStart Diet for a healthy, weight loss plan.
Try The 28 Day Plant-Based Meal Plan to eat healthier for the next four weeks.