We can't go a single week without a new plant-based burger, non-dairy creamer, delicious oat ice cream, or superfood-laced snack bar hitting the market and getting our attention. Just this week, Trader Joe's announced it was adding a plethora of new plant-based options to its already impressive lineup.

But before you hit the stores, whether it's online or at Whole Foods or Sprouts, we want to help you sort the best from the rest. We realize that with this Tsunami of plant-based products, it can be tough to not feel overwhelmed. That's why we are bringing you our favorites of the week, so you can decide what to try and buy and what to skip.

Here are the latest plant-based products to add to your grocery list or cart, from Lucy Danziger, Stephanie McClain, Hailey Welch, Caitlin Mucerino, Max Rabb and Louisa Richards – aka the editors of The Beet –– since we are living the plant-based life and want to make it easier for you to do it too! Have a great, healthy plant-based week, from our kitchen to yours!

What's your current favorite plant-based product? Let us know on our Facebook page.

Lucy's Favorite Plant-Based Product of the Week

Pereg's Black Lentils Small & Lentils

Pereg Natural Foods, a family-owned company since 1906, makes an amazing array of products, from flours–including chickpea flour, and almond flour–to more than 60 varieties of spices, herbs, ancient grain mixes, gluten-free quinoa, rice, couscous, soup mixes, and so much more. But I fell in love with their easy-to-eat black lentils, which they label "Small & Mighty" and I have found more uses for these powerful protein-packed pulses than I ever thought possible.

First I stirred them into a large pan full of tomatoes, onions, garlic, and taco seasoning to create a healthier taco night than my husband's skillet full of fake meat and the same flavorings and our guests preferred to eat my taco filling over his, for the simple fact that it was a whole food and just as "meaty" and flavorful. (Okay so I had leftovers but that led me to my next discovery!)

Next, I took the leftovers and when I was out of fresh avocado the next morning, I toasted whole wheat bread and added a small amount of vegan butter, the leftover lentils as a topping, and squeezed fresh lemon on top and it tasted so much like actual caviar on toast I was astounded. The flavors of lentils are just strong enough to taste like something healthy but just malleable to be used in different dishes, or as a healthy snack to keep you full and satisfied until dinner. I honestly never want to be without these in my cupboard, for any day that hunger strikes and I'm trying to eat healthy. Find Pereg Natural Foods and all their products here or shop for them on Amazon. I can't wait to try baking with their chickpea flour.

Stephanie's Favorite Plant-Based Product of the Week

JUST Egg Plant-Based Scramble

I've been back at my parent's house for a few days, staying with my non-vegan family, and nothing has been more of a lifesaver than Eat Just's JUST Egg. Because the product is so easy to find at grocery stores, my parents picked up five bottles, and I've been whipping up the plant-based scramble every morning.

I just add some olive oil to a pan, crisp up some garlic, add in the scramble, and top with seasoned salt and herbs. No breakfast is more delicious or easier, and in a household of meat-eaters, I don't have to stress about finding something that matches my dietary needs. I've even gotten each of my family members to try JUST Egg, each of them saying it tastes nearly identical to scrambled chicken eggs, if not better.

You can find JUST Egg with Eat Just's online store locator.

Louisa's Favorite Plant-Based Product of the Week

Lush Repeat Foot Balm

Apply, rub into feet, repeat — it seems it's as easy as that to keep your feet looking pretty and feeling healthy. If you're on your feet all day or your tootsies are looking a bit worse for wear through sports or lack of attention, applying Repeat Foot Balm to toenails, cuticles, and dry heels will have your feet thanking you after a week or so.

This restorative vegan balm contains castor oil, organic jojoba oil, and candelilla wax to soften skin and provide a protective barrier. I love the addition of organic blood orange oil which makes it smell delicious. Our feet are super important but quite often we neglect them in our beauty routines. Apply some of this lovely balm before bed (with cotton foot socks if you like), and wake up with happy feet!

You can find your nearest Lush stockist or purchase Repeat Foot Balm from their website here.

Hailey's Favorite Plant-Based Product of the Week

Cauliflower Stalks

If you’re looking for a way to ditch potato chips and eat healthier, then you must try these crunchy and salty Cauliflower Stalks by plant-based snack company, From the Ground Up. These stalks are thin, crispy and crunchy, and made with cassava flour, cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, carrot, tomato, beet, shitake mushroom, garlic, parsley, and celery seed. Each bag is only 100 calories and contains 0 grams of Trans fat and only 1 gram of sugar. The taste of this snack is slightly salty, very savory, cheesy, nutty, and the texture is similar to a potato chip, except it’s not fried, these stalks are baked. I recommend this snack for everyone, and certainly, anyone who loves potato chips but wants a healthier alternative.

To purchase this snack, check out From the Ground Up’s website.

Caitlin's Favorite Plant-Based Product of the Week

Clovis Farms Organic Super Smoothie Blend

As easy as it is to make a smoothie, I've never been able to nail the perfect ratio of fruit to water. I either put too much water or too much fruit and end up with a not-so-appetizing smoothie. The one product that has been a helping hand in making the perfect smoothie is Clovis Farms Organic Super Smoothie Blend.

Clovis Farms Super Smoothie Blend includes 6 individual 8-ounce bags that are filled with blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, kale, spinach and bananas. I love the mix of fruit along with the hint of greens and there is always an equal amount of each ingredient per pack. To make the smoothie, all you have to do is dump the packet in the blender and add water or plant-based milk. In just one minute, you have the perfect smoothie. The best part about the smoothie bags is that you know exactly how much protein, sugar, carbohydrates, etc. that you are having. Each smoothie made with water has 100 calories, 3 grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber and 12 grams of sugar. To give your smoothie an extra boost of protein and make it more filling, add in your favorite vegan protein powder.

You can buy Clovis Farms Organic Super Smoothie Blend at Costco or on Instacart here.

Max's Favorite Plant-Based Product of the Week

Minor Figures Oat Milk Latte and Matcha Latte

There is always a soft spot in my heart for a coffee on the go, and there's an even softer spot for an affordable and delicious oat milk Matcha Latte. The Minor Figures canned drinks have become some of my favorite easy-to-drink morning beverages I can get. The canned drinks bring just the right amount of caffeine with blissful convenience. Many mornings I feel like I am moving out the door too fast to brew a pot of coffee, let alone sit down and enjoy it, so I am always looking out for new dairy-free coffee drinks for any tightly scheduled days.

The Minor Figures Oat Milk Latte and Matcha Latte both use the company's signature barista-level oat milk product. The quality of the oat milk is really the determining factor in a canned coffee drink, and this brand knocks it out of the park. Each drink is not overwhelemingly sweet either, providing a delicious beverage where you can actually taste the coffee and the green tea without being overwhelmed by unnatural sweetness.

Check out the Minor Figures website to grab some coffee drinks or even stock up on its barista standard oat milk.