The Stockholm Environment Institute then issued a report that found the raising and feeding of animal products contributes 20 percent of total greenhouse gas emissions, and by many estimates, it is closer to 30 percent. By cutting out meat and dairy, it's possible to reduce your contribution to climate change significantly.

Consumers who care about the climate, aka "climatarians" want to lower their carbon footprint, to help achieve the modest goal of keeping global warming below the rate of rising  1.5 degrees Celsius, per year.

That means by cutting out meat and dairy you could save over two-thirds of your own personal carbon "foodprint," as the climatarians call it. Growing numbers of climatarian shop with the impact on the planet in mind and chooses foods and other goods that help to lower their climate impact, one checkout counter item at a time.

As of last January, a survey found that over half of the population wants to try eating more plant-based, for health and the sake of the planet, but this does not necessarily mean buying fake meat. Among Gen X and Millenials and Gen Z consumers, flexitarians are a growing number, amounting to 54 percent of the population. As climate change becomes more of a kitchen-table issue, these numbers are expected to expand =.