Alicia Silverstone Shares PSA Video on Realities of Factory-Farmed Chickens

|Updated Oct 26, 2021
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Amid the coronavirus pandemic, 23% of Americans are eating more plant-based foods. But we still have a lot of work to do.

With their voices amplified by their fanbase, many in the public eye—from Kevin Hart to Harry Styles—are using their platforms to share the Gospel of Plant-Strong. One of the loudest voices of the celebrity vegan throngs has long been Alicia Silverstone, and the current crisis is no exception. Earlier this spring Silverstone and her son Bear Blu recreated the iconic PETA ad of Paul McCartney and his late wife Linda.

Now, Alicia Silverstone is speaking up against the deplorable practices at factory farm slaughterhouses around her country. In partnership with Mercy for Animals, Silverstone shared a video asking her fans to take action against these atrocities.

“Have you ever wondered what happens to chickens before they reach the meat aisle,” she begins her PSA. “I know this footage is difficult to watch but imagine what it’s like to experience it. Chickens are trucked from factory farm to the slaughterhouse in filthy, crowded crates,” she continues narrating alongside disturbing behind-the-scenes slaughterhouse footage obtained by Mercy for Animals. As a result of the way these animals are processed in America, workers have to work in crowded conditions under “immense pressure [to work quickly], increasing the risk of stress and injury for both them and the animals.”

How You Can Help

Silverstone wraps up the undercover video by asking viewers to protect both animals and also factory workers alike by urging their Congressional representatives to put an end to such high-speed slaughter. On a more uplifting note, she ends by saying, “And remember you can help farmed animals every day. It’s as simple as choosing plant-based meals.” Watch the full video below. Warning: The content is incredibly graphic, but if you’re not already plant-based, the pits in your stomach from viewing the footage may do it for you.

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