This Company Wants to Make Vegan Meat Cheaper Than Animal Products
Brazilian vegan food tech company Future Farm is setting its sights on the United States market this summer, partnering with Superior Foods International to begin distributing its Future Burger to US retailers and consumers. Future Farm is claiming that its plant-based meat substitutes will eventually subvert the animal meat market, bringing cheaper alternatives to animal products. Following the Future Burger debut, Future Farms plans to roll out its Future Sausage, Future Meatball, and Future Beef to the US nationwide.
Brazilian entrepreneur Marco Leta and his business partner Alfredo Strechinsky founded Future Farm to challenge the meat industry around the world. The company’s mission centers around creating a plant-based product that can challenge conventional meat products while promoting nutritional value in affordable food. Beyond its beef alternative, Future Farms plans to push research and development for plant-based fish and vegan chicken after its debut in the US market.
“Between Marcos’ proven track record in the industry and the phenomenal success Future Farm has had, both within the category and amongst consumers, in just under two years, I knew this company was onto something bigger than what the US has seen from plat-based meat, and being part of it was an undeniable decision, for me; one which I’m honored and proud to have the chance to make,” former Red Bull executive and new CEO for Future Farms US Alexandre Ruberti said. “Future Farm is a visionary brand, looking to make the earth a place we all want to live, by changing the way the world eats; the difference, however, lies in the team’s commitment to implementing changes today that will make that vision a reality.”
Future Farms advertises its products as being completely organic, non-GMO plant ingredients. The nutritionally and carefully sourced ingredients boast a “3-plant protein” that contains chickpea flour, soy protein, and pea protein. Currently, the suggested retail price [SRP] of the Future Burger patties is valued at $5.29 for two 4-ounce patties, proving the company’s dedication to competitive costs.
Across the globe, plant-based companies are working towards lowering the price of vegan meat alternatives. The global cost of uncooked beef averages at below $5 per pound, meaning that Future Farms still serves a product nearly double the price of conventional beef products. The company plans to develop easier practices to produce and distribute plant-based meat alternatives to minimize the price for consumers.
Other plant-based companies such as Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods have also worked to tackle the discrepancy between conventional meat and plant-based meat prices. The plant-based companies continue to work towards creating a product that can compete with animal-based meat products. Alongside the pricing competition, the plant-based protein companies have developed products that maximize the taste and nutritional value to better market plant-based meats to consumers globally.
Currently, Beyond Meat partners with Walmart to distribute a 10-pack of Beyond Burgers in its Beyond Cookout Classic. The 10-pack provides burgers that are valued at approximately $1.60 per pattie. The bulk product’s success led Beyond Meat and Walmart to extend the initially limited offers as a permanent item on the shelves.
Future Farms is also driven by sustainability in hopes that its plant-based product will minimize environmental destruction, specifically surrounding the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest. Leta hopes that the company can positively impact the environment, changing how the food system work in both Brazil and the rest of the world.
“Our aim is for meat-loving carnivores to enjoy our products as much as they do meat,” Marketing Coordinator at Future Farms Paula Bona told Plant Based News. “We believe that by changing how those people eat meat, we could positively impact our environment.”
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