The Vegan Keto Diet Lunch: Everything-But-The Bread-Sandwich
|Updated Mar 22, 2021
Getty ImagesHave you ever tried a sandwich without the bread? It's a genius way to save on calories and carbs but still enjoy all your favorite fillings. In this recipe, we've pulled in plant-based cheese, crunchy veggies, and a combo of Dijon mustard and tangy pickles for extra taste and savory satisfaction. Make it just as you would a traditional sandwich, adding lettuce, (vegan) cheese, avocado, and pickles but use a sliced bell pepper to mimic the roll or bun.
Everything But The Bread Sandwich
1 serving
- 1 red bell pepper, cut in half, and seeded
- ½ cup iceberg lettuce torn in 2-inch squares
- 1 TBSP Dijon mustard
- 1 slice vegan provolone cheese
- ¼ cup cucumber slices
- ½ avocado, sliced
- 2 sandwich pickles
- Place red pepper, hollow side up.
- Fill one side with lettuce, spread mustard on the other side
- Add the vegan cheese to the mustard side of the bell pepper.
- Next layer the cucumber, avocado, and pickles.
- Place sides of the bell pepper together to form a sandwich.
Nutritional Info (per serving):
Calories: 328 Protein: 3g Fat: 28g Net Carbs: 9g Fiber: 11g Sugar: 4g Sodium: 1311mg
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