The Latest Resolution is Ditching the Meat and Dairy: Veganuary Starts Now!
It all started in England when Veganuary was a small non-profit movement started by a couple to help save animals and reduce the amount of meat eaten by all consumers for the first month of the year. Now the trend of going meatless in January -- like "dry" January or any other resolution to cut back on sugar, or get to the gym -- is taking hold the world over. Called Veganuary by this group, the movement has taken hold in America and about 30,000 people have already signed up on the official site.
Since 2014 when it started, over 400,000 people have signed up for Veganuary, and who knows how many others do it on their own, without signing up? Veganuary is supported by famous vegetarians and vegans including Sir Paul McCartney, Joaquin Phoenix, Mayim Bialik and Alicia Silverstone. We here at The Beet have created the 21 Day Plant-Based Challenge to help you or anyone else start with a three-week plan, including recipes and helpful how-tos for going plant-based for three weeks. The Wall Street Journal covered the Veganuary trend here.
What started as a small trend is now a global phenomenon. The Beet is here to help you meet your healthy living needs, by going full on plant-based for 21 days, or by "just adding plants." Check out the 21 Days of Plant-Based eating and start whenever you are ready!