The Best Way to Start Your Day is With a Healthy Immune-Boosting Green Juice
Over the weekend, I was lucky to find a brand new juicer on a nearly 90% off sale. Not only did I get a good deal, but I've been obsessively making juices like it's my day job. My kitchen has turned into a juice lab and my living room is a yoga studio with dumbells and a workout bench.
In honor of my new purchase, the beautiful weather, and every reason to stay healthy right now, I am sharing with you one of my favorite green juices that taste delicious and is a refreshing drink to have to start your day or for a midday snack. I am currently sitting in the sun of my backyard with my laptop plugged into an outlet, sipping on this healthy green mixture.
Recipe Developer: Gina, @healthylittlevittles
Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Total Time: 10 Minutes
Yields: 4 cups
Why we love it: This juice has the perfect taste of healthy greens and sweet fresh fruit. I like to use 1 apple for this recipe even though it calls for 2 apples because the taste is a little too sweet for me. The kiwis and pineapple give the green drink a note of tangy-ness that covers the taste the celery, kale, spinach and chard. Try to buy organic produce because you will taste the difference in "freshness". This juice is so delicious it might become part of your everyday routine. Cheers!
Health Benefits: This juice is full of immunity-boosting health benefits and essential vitamins. Spinach is a good source of vitamins A, C, and K, it's an excellent source of iron and magnesium. Add more greens to increase your fiber intake and use less fruit to limit the sweetness. This juice is made with 100% natural sugars and no artificial juices.
Make it for: A healthy breakfast or a quick snack. I like to drink this juice after a workout.
- 2 green apples
- 1.5 lemons, juice only
- 1 large stalk celery
- 1 cup greens (your choice- kale, spinach, chard, or a mixture!)
- 1/3 cup pineapple (pre-cut is great!)
- 2 kiwis
- 1.5 cups water
- Wash all produce.
- Chop the apples and place them in your blender. Peel the kiwi, chop and add to blender.
- Add the greens, celery, pineapple, and water to the blender.
- Squeeze the lemon juice into your blender.
- Blend on high for about 1 minute until smooth and no chunks are left.
- Place the nut milk bag (or cheesecloth/thin kitchen towel) over a large bowl/measuring cup and carefully pour the juice into the bag.
- Squeeze all of the liquid out of the pulp into the bowl. Enjoy! Store any leftover juice in the fridge for a few days.
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