Take This Survey and You’re Entered to Win $100 and a Tote Bag from The Beet

|Updated Dec 9, 2020
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Here at The Beet, we are constantly trying to improve what we're doing to bring you the best content and everything you need to live your healthiest by eating a more plant-based diet.

As such we are offering you a quick (and fun) survey that we would love for you to fill out. Think of it as getting the keys to the car. We want you to take the editor's chair and start to boss us around! Or at least tell us what you'd prefer to see more of and what you think we are doing fine at.

Meanwhile, we are truly grateful to you. Thank you for all your amazing support and by taking the survey you're part of the team. Thanks for helping us do even better in the future.

To enter, input your email at the last question, and you'll be one of the responders eligible to win $100 gift card -- spend it on healthy veggies or anything you like -- and a limited edition tote bag from The Beet! Thanks. Be well!