Snack: Crunchy Toast With Fresh Spinach, Avocado, and Tomato

|Updated Dec 23, 2020
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Crunchy Toast With Fresh Spinach, Avocado, and Tomato


  • 1/4 cup of spinach
  • 1 tomato
  • 1/2 avocado, mashed
  • 1/2 English muffin


  1. Slice the English muffin in half and toast until it's crisp on the edges.
  2. Mash half an avocado and spread on top of the English muffin.
  3. Slice the tomato into thin pieces and add them on top of the spread.
  4. Use spinach leaves to top it off.
  5. Add salt and pepper for taste.

Nutritional Notes:

Calories 283, Total Fat 20.2 g, Sat. Fat 4.4 g, Sodium 136 mg, Total Carbs 23.9 g, Fiber 8.6 g, Sugars 3.2 g, Protein 5.2 g