Smoothie of the Day: Kimberly Snyder’s Glowing Green Smoothie
Kimberly Snyder is a celebrity nutritionist (her client list has included stars like Drew Barrymore, Reese Witherspoon, and other A-listers), an author of The Beauty Detox Solution, the founder of her own vegan brand of beauty and health products and supplements. Snyder has been vegan for 12 years and her journey led her to help others take care of themselves, be healthier and beautiful from the inside out. As a celebrity nutritionist, Snyder works with stars and others to help find the healthy balance of nourishing their bodies, emotions and spirits through food, meditation and self-care, something we all could use a little more of right about now.
The founder of Solluna (her company also offers mini-retreats and events), and a New York Times best-selling author three times over, Snyder is the go-to voice of calm and personal wellness for women who want to look and feel great, starting with their nutrition. Snyder's morning routine is a cleansing cup of hot water with lemon to clear digestion (she says lemon is like capturing sunshine in a fruit), followed by her signature smoothie, full of leafy greens and superfoods.
Snyder has built a following for her holistic approach to the plant-based lifestyle, which she defines as taking care of the four cornerstones of health: Your food, your body, your emotional well-being, and your spiritual growth.
She shared her smoothie recipe with The Beet to encourage everyone to drink this green-infused healthy breakfast and feel nourished all day long. Here's her explanation
Why Drink Kimberly's Glowing Green Smoothie
"This incredible elixir is the very first recipe in my new book, Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life. I encourage mixing and matching your greens and fruit, but there is a ratio to the Glowing Green Smoothie or GGS: Add 70 percent dark leafy greens, 30 percent high-fiber whole fruit, and vitamin C-filled (and liver supporting) fresh lemon juice.
"Keep it simple and limited to these elements without adding any protein or fat. As it cleanses and detoxifies your system, the GGS will give you sustained energy, glowing skin, and optimal digestion. It also fosters a focused, clear mind. The GGS is here to support us daily on our life’s journey and is an integral part of my morning practice.
The Glowing Green Smoothie aka GGs
Serves 2 ½ Smoothies
- 2 cups of cold filtered water
- 1 bunch spinach
- 2 or 4 celery stalks, halved
- 1 head of romaine lettuce
- Small bunch cilantro, thick stems cut off (optional)
- Small bunch parsley, thick stems cut off (optional)
- 1 apple, cored, seeded, and quartered
- 1 pear, cored, seeded, and quartered
- 1 banana
- ½ fresh lemon, peeled and seeded
- Place the water, spinach, celery, romaine, and herbs, if using, into a Vitamix or other blender in the order listed, and secure the lid.
- Start the blender on low speed, then gradually increase the speed and blend until smooth.
- Add the apple, pear, banana, and lemon and blend until smooth.
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