Slutty Vegan’s Pinky Cole Offers Jobs, Scholarships to 30 Juvenile Offenders
Pinky Cole, owner of Atlanta vegan favorite Slutty Vegan, is continuing her staunch community support by giving $10,000 college scholarships as well as jobs to 30 juvenile offenders, offering them a new start. These jobs will be at Slutty Vegan locations at restaurants and food trucks in the metro Atlanta area. The outreach program is part of her foundation's partnership with the state of Georgia's Department of Juvenile Justice's F.R.E.S.H. start initiative to help offenders transform their lives.
In a press release, the Georgia DJJ describes their F.R.E.S.H. (Focusing Resources Effectively to Sustain Hope) start initiative as a program that "speaks to our collaborative effort to ensure youth receive a "fresh start" and our commitment to utilizing resources in the community to reach this goal. This initiative starts our current and former youth on a path to develop careers in the restaurant and foodservice industry."
"I am excited about this new partnership that will strengthen our efforts to provide job-related services for our youth once released from our custody," said DJJ Commissioner Tyrone Oliver. "The Pinky Cole Foundation is giving these young people a better opportunity to succeed in life and be productive workers in their community."
"Being able to partner with the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice to help kids in our community is what we are about at Slutty Vegan and the Pinky Cole Foundation," said Pinky Cole. "I am thankful for the leadership of Commissioner Oliver for thinking outside of the box to ensure Georgia youth are given the tools necessary to thrive. We are excited about this partnership!"
This partnership is hardly Cole's first community outreach support program of the year: This summer alone the vegan restaurant owner has teamed up with Impossible Foods and Jermaine Dupri to feed voters in line at the polls, given away Slutty Vegan food for free for an entire day and created college scholarships for the children of Rayshard Brooks, who was killed by police in June. We're excited to see what is in store next for Pinky Cole and her foundation and encourage anyone in the Atlanta area to stop by one of Slutty Vegan's locations for a delicious I-can't-belive-it's-not-the-real-thing meal.
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