Kelly LeVeque’s Immunity Boosting Smoothie. Make it with Vegan Spirulina

|Updated Apr 13, 2021

Kelly LeVeque shared her Immunity Boosting Smoothie with The Beet. Though she makes hers with collagen, we say make it vegan with the protein powder of your choice. We love the ones reviewed on The Beet meter here. (Feel free to add your reviews to this recommendation tool, since that's how we know what you love the best.)

Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, Kelly curated this healthy, creamy smoothie to boost your immune system while sipping something delicious at home.

Here is her recipe -- feel free to add anything you like, and substitute her Vital Protein with your favorite vegan protein powder. She also has vegan spirulina, so feel free to incorporate that into your smoothie for an added boost of Vitamin A and antioxidants.

Spirulina is a superfood sourced from blue-green algae and a great source of vitamin A, vitamin K, and other potent phytonutrients.

Kelly LeVeque’s Immunity Boosting Collagen Smoothie

Serves 1



  1. Blend together. Yield is one smoothie