How to Lose Weight and Fuel Your Runs on a Plant-Based Diet, from the Running Doctor
Running is a great way to clear your mind, release feel-good endorphins into the brain, and have a sense of calm and elevated mood for hours after. Studies have found that after a run your mood stays up due to antistress hormones in the system for 12 yours or even longer. You also experience "afterburn" where your body is churning through calories as it refuels the muscles and repairs the micro-tears that help build fitness. So in every way, running is a great way to lose weight, feel great, and stay fit.
It's also an incredibly effective way to burn off extra pounds if you know how to fuel up after. At The Beet we are big fans of healthy, sustainable weight loss on a plant-based diet, rich in vegetables and legumes, nuts, grains, and seeds. But sometimes after a nice long run, you get so hungry in the refueling hours that you reach for all the wrong things. Let's just say there used to be a few more bags of salty chips in the cabinet and pints of vegan ice cream in the freezer before this week of working, running, and gardening. Okay, that's at my house.
For all of us, it makes sense not to "undo" all the good healthy plant-based eating and running with a few quick jaunts through the snack cabinets. For how to eat healthily, fuel your body as you increase your mileage from 2 miles to 5 to 7 and so on, and still lose weight the healthy way, I interviewed Mark Fuerst is the co-author of Running Doc's Guide to Healthy Eating: The Revolutionary 4-Week Program to Boost Your Athletic Performance, Everyday Activities, and Weight Loss. Fuerst wrote the book with Dr. Louis Maharam.
The Running Doc’s Guide to Healthy Eating explains why it’s time to ditch the difficult-to-use food pyramid put out by the USDA in favor of hands-on experience of being hungry and how to eat to fuel an active body, whether you're a couch potato turned runner or an Olympic level athlete qualifying for the marathon in next year's Tokyo games. The book gives helpful advice on how to divide your plate into sections and make sure you get enough of a balance of proteins, carbs, and fat to be satiated but not over-do any one macro. This system is what the authors call Fueling Plates. The book shows, step-by-step, how readers can apply the program to feel and perform better, lost weight, and have more energy.
Developed by Dr. Maharam, the Fueling Plates program has helped countless people who want to make a difference in their life, whether it is to lose weight, or train longer, such as marathoners competing for a place at the Olympic trials, and everyone in between.
The idea is to think about the four different food groups. You use the plate to visualize these quadrants. Most people eat too much food at each meal, especially when we dine out at restaurants or in these days when we order in and the portion size provides too much food.
Divide Your Healthy Weight Loss Plate into Four Quadrants.
The four quadrants are: Protein, long-acting carbohydrates, short-acting carbohydrates, and fat. As you start to run more often or longer distances you increase your protein a little bit to train harder. The protein choice can easily be vegan protein, such as tofu or tempeh, quinoa or nuts, or all the good vegetarian proteins available.
Right before an event, whether a 10K or a tennis tournament, you night slightly increase the carb quadrant, to top off your glycogen stores in the body -- for ready fuel to get you through the first 45 minutes. During the event you can reach for plant-based gels or nutrients for runners on a vegan diet, The important moment is an after your run, when you should add a little more protein and short-acting carbs to get your energy back quickly and recover from putting your body in deficit. That way you'll feel great for the rest of the day (and not need a power nap) and be able to head out the door again tomorrow.
"Obviously, there are benefits of a plant-based diet," says Fuerst. "But the number one source of tiredness or fatigue for a runner could be not getting enough of complex carbs or protein." Runners also need to be sure they are getting their daily requirement for essential vitamins such as iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin B 12, and vitamin D, which The Beet has covered.
Iron is especially important for runners because it carries oxygen to your muscles, he adds. Some great sources of iron: Dried apricots and prunes, fortified cereal, whole wheat bread, beans, and nuts. For complex carbs turn to your favorite vegetables, since most are a great source of slow-burning carbs; the way to find the healthiest is to look for those highest in fiber.
Protein is the building block of life, and for runners (or anyone training hard), it's also the building block of strong, fit muscles so to make sure you stay uninured add plant-based proteins like quinoa, beans, nuts, and nut butter. [For a full list check out these stories from The Beet with the nuts with the highest protein per service and legumes with the most protein per serving.]
Calcium is important for bone health. Tahini and nuts, green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale. Soy milk and beans, nuts and seeds, mushrooms and lentils are a great source of zinc. Vitamin B12 -- you can eat cereals and soy-based drinks riboflavin. Vitamin D is important for muscle and nerve function. Mushrooms, breakfast cereal, and fortified plant-based milk.
The Perfect Fueling Snack is an "Elvis Bagel" With Peanut Butter and Banana
So one of the things the book recommends for fueling a runner's needs is an "Elvis Bagel." Elvis is known for peanut butter and bananas, says Fuerst. "He liked fried bananas." But for runners, the healthier choice is a whole wheat bagel with sliced bananas, and not fried. If you eat an ElvisBbagel a couple of hours before performing --long enough that it won't feel heavy in your stomach --you're going to get the carbs in the bagel, the protein in the peanut butter, and the potassium and extra nutrients from the banana.
Alternatively, if that sounds like too much before a long run, try a small bowl of oatmeal with a sliced banana. Another great fuel source for anyone running a long run or fueling up for an event is raisins, which are short-acting. This works well since the oats provide long-acting carbs for lasting energy, the almond milk adds protein, and the raisins short-acting fuel, Fuerst explains, so this is a perfect combination to fuel-up before a long run.
"Dr. Maharam once told me about a runner who came to him complaining of knee pain. He gave him a brace and some exercises. But then the doctor asked the patient, "What are you eating?" And it turned out that like many marathoners he was eating long-acting carbs but not enough protein. "Marathoners have this idea that they need carbo-loading but in fact, as the book points out, you don't need all that carbohydrate and it makes it difficult to lose weight. IN fact, you need to add protein." If you're running almost daily and not seeing the scale budge, change the mix of your fuel from carbs to protein and you will see the weight come off, says Fuerst. "Cut down on all those calories," was the doctor's advice. The guy ate differently for a week and told the doctor he had his personal record (PR) one week later."
The running doctor, as Maharam was known, is to visualize how these food groups's fit together as quadrants, and then eat a balanced plant-based meal every time you eat, even when you snack. If the weight won't come off, add to your protein quadrant and keep running!
Top 10 Sources of Plant-Based Protein According to a Nutritionist
1. Seitan
Protein: 21 grams in ⅓ cup (1 ounce) Seitan isn’t as popular as other proteins, but it should be! Made from wheat gluten, its texture resembles ground meat. It’s often used in pre-made veggie burgers or meatless nuggets. Seitan has a savory taste, like mushrooms or chicken, so it works well in dishes that call for an umami flavor. With a hearty texture, seitan can be the star of practically any vegan main dish. Add it to stir-fries, sandwiches, burritos, burgers, or stews. Like tofu, seitan will take on the flavor of any marinade or sauce.
2. Tempeh
Protein: 16 grams in 3 ounces If you like a protein with a bit of bite, add tempeh to your list. Made from fermented soybeans, tempeh has a slightly nutty flavor and is pressed into a block. Most varieties include some sort of grains, such as barley or millet. Not only is tempeh a plant-based source of protein, but the fermentation process also creates good-for-your-gut probiotics. You can cut tempeh right off the block and use it as the base for a sandwich or pan-fry it with some sauce. Or, crumble, heat, and make it the star of your next taco night.
3. Lentils
Protein: 13 grams in ½ cup cooked Lentils come in multiple varieties--red, yellow, green, brown, black. Regardless of the type lentils are small but mighty nutritional powerhouses. They pack a good amount of protein as well as iron, folate, and fiber. When cooked, brown lentils retain their texture and can be the base for a grain bowl or make a hearty substitute for ground meat in meatballs, lasagna, tacos or Bolognese. Red lentils are a bit softer and make a nice add-in for a hearty soup, chili, or stew.
4. Hemp Seeds
Protein: 10 grams in 3 tablespoons Hemp seeds are a tender and nutty seed, derived from the hemp plant. They contain good amounts of omega-3s, iron, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese. They are also a solid source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, which helps to keep your digestive tract healthy and humming. Because they pack a double whammy of protein and healthy fats, hemp seeds can help satisfy hunger, preventing those embarrassing stomach growls as you slog your way to your lunch break. Add them to your morning smoothie or sprinkle them on top of yogurt, oatmeal, or even a salad.
5. Tofu
Protein: 9 grams in 3 ounces (⅕ of a block) Made from coagulated soybeans, tofu is the most popular plant-based protein. Soy is one of the only meatless "complete" proteins, meaning that it contains all of the essential amino acids that the body can’t make but needs for muscle and immune function. With 15% of your daily calcium needs, tofu is also a good replacement for dairy.
6. Edamame
Protein: 9 grams of protein in ½ cup This sushi appetizer is a nutrient powerhouse, so eat it anytime. Edamame is really just another name for soybeans in their pods. Let’s list off some stats--a small ½-cup serving of edamame has 9 grams of protein, 15% of your daily vitamin C, 10% of your daily iron and 16% of your daily fiber. Keep a bag of edamame in your freezer to serve as a fun-to-eat side dish or opt for the shelled variety to toss into salads or a grain bowl.
7. Quinoa
Protein: 8 grams per cup (cooked) Quinoa is an ancient grain and since it's gluten-free a great choice for anyone avoiding gluten. Add it to your burger recipe to create filling texture, or instead of meat in your taco or burrito. Quinoa is among the healthiest foods on the planet, delivering phytonutrients that have anti-inflammatory qualities, so keep it in your pantry for any meal that needs a filling grain. Just remember to soak it and rinse before cooking to get rid of any bitter taste.
8. Black Beans
Protein: 7 grams in ½ cup (canned) Eating beans on the regular might as well be a prerequisite for a plant-based diet. Not only are canned black beans inexpensive, but they also contribute 10% of your daily iron and 25% of your daily fiber to your diet. For less than $1 a can, beans can be the star of tacos, quesadillas, salads, soups, burgers, or dips.
9. Amaranth
Protein: 6 grams in ⅔ cup (cooked) Chances are you’ve never cooked amaranth. But you should, since this tiny, gluten- free grain is packed with almost 30% of your daily fiber and 20% of your daily iron. Cook it like a traditional grain to yield a soft, porridge-like texture. Many people add amaranth to other a hot breakfast cereal mixture, like oats and quinoa. It also pops like popcorn. Toss it in a pot with some oil and wait for it to pop up into a nutritious snack.
10. Peas
Protein: 5 grams in ⅔ cup If peas were one of your most hated veggies as a kid, it’s time to give them another chance. These green beans are a great low-calorie protein to keep in your freezer. Sure, they don’t always taste great when steamed or microwaved (who wants to eat mushy, overcooked peas?), but they do blend well into a yummy puree that can be slathered on toast. To amp up the flavor, add some lemon juice or mint to your mix before you blend.
The Top 20 Veggies with the Most Protein
1. Soy Beans
Soybeans are a legume but they are such a great source of protein that we had to lead the veggie list with it. There is more protein in just one ounce of soybeans than a cup of sliced avocado! 1 cup equals Protein - 28.6g Calories - 298 Carbs - 17.1g Fiber - 10.3g Calcium - 175mg
2. Peas
If the pod, that peas are grown in, is split down the middle, that is an indicator they are ripe. Seeds inside the pod vary and can be green, white or yellow. 1 cup equals Protein - 8.6g Calories - 134 Carbs - 25g Fiber - 8.8g Calcium - 43.2 mg
3. Corn
Fresh corn is a great source of energy for those who like to stay active. Protein isn't all that corn has to offer. Corn provides the body with potassium and B vitamins. 1 cup equals Protein - 5.4g Calories - 177 Carbs - 123g Fiber - 4.6g Calcium - 4.9mg
4. Artichoke Hearts
Artichokes are part of the sunflower family. The fiber in artichoke hearts is great for supporting digestion. 1 cup equals Protein - 4.8g Calories - 89 Carbs - 20g Fiber - 14.4g Calcium - 35.2mg
5. Asparagus
If not properly stored, Asparagus tends to go bad quickly, To elongate freshness, put damp paper towels around the stems, or place the entire asparagus bunch in a cup of water (like flowers) to maintain freshness longer. 1 cup equals Protein - 4.4g Calories - 39.6 Carbs - 7.4g Fiber - 3.6g Calcium - 41.4mg
6. Brussel Sprouts
Brussel sprouts have more Vitamin C than an orange. If your Brussel sprouts have a rancid odor that is an indicator you overcooked them. The smell occurs because the sprouts are composed of a great amount of sulforaphane. 1 cup equals Protein - 4g Calories - 56.2 Carbs - 40g Fiber - 4g Calcium - 56.2mg
7. Broccoli
If you are trying to lose weight broccoli is a great addition to your diet because it consists of 90 water and is also high in fiber. 1 cup (chopped) equals Protein - 3.8g Calories - 54.6Carbs - 11.2g Fiber - 5.2g Calcium - 62.4mg
8. Mustard Greens
Mustard greens provide the body with tons of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and fiber. Adding steamed mustard greens into your diet has been known to lower cholesterol and reduce inflammation. 1 cup equals Protein - 3.2 g Calories - 21 Carbs - 2.9g Fiber - 2.8g Calcium - 104mg
9. Avocado
Avocado is commonly mistaken as a vegetable but it is technically a fruit. This fruit had to be included in our veggie list because it isn't just tasty but super nutritious. Avocados are packed with protein but they are a great source of potassium and fiber. Avocados are a great addition to any salad, sandwich and even smoothie! 1 cup equals Protein - 3.0 g Calories - 240 Carbs - 12.8 g Fiber - 10.1g Calcium - 18 mg
Onions are an unappreciated food hero since they provide 20 percent of your daily Vitamin C and deliver an abundance of antioxidants that can reduce inflammation. 1 cup (chopped) equals Protein - 2.9g Calories - 92.4 Carbs - 21.3g Fiber - 2.9g Calcium - 46.2mg
11. Beets
The entire beetroot is edible including the leaves which contain loads of vitamin A, calcium, iron and potassium. Beetroot is high in sugar but is considered one of the most nutritious veggies used in salads and soups. 1 cup equals Protein - 2.8 g Calories - 74.8 Carbs - 17g Fiber - 3.4g Calcium - 27.2mg
12. Oyster Mushrooms
Oyster mushrooms are commonly seen in Chinese dishes. They grow best in a controlled environment indoors. Oyster mushrooms have so many nutrients to offer besides protein such as iron, calcium, zinc and folic acid. 1 cup (raw and sliced) equals Protein - 2.8g Calories - 37 Carbs - 5.6g Fiber - 2.0g Calcium - 2.6mg
13. Bok Choy
Bok Choy is a member of the mustard family. One of the oldest cultivated vegetables in the world, Bok Choy means "white vegetable” and is a great source of vitamins A, C, B6, K, and E, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, and calcium. 1 cup equals Protein - 2.7 g Calories - 20.4 Carbs - 3.1g Fiber - 1.7g Calcium - 158mg
14. Green Beans
Green beans are a great source of vitamins B, C and K, and minerals such as magnesium, iron and manganese. Green beans should be cooked before eating, to destroy lectins. China is the biggest grower of green beans in the world, exporting over 15 million tons a year. 1 cup equals Protein - 1.8 g Calories - 31 Carbs - 7 g Fiber - 2.7 g Calcium - 37 mg
15. Cauliflower
The most nutritious way to consume cauliflower is steamed. Don't get intimidated by orange, purple or green cauliflower. All three types have the same benefits as white cauliflower. 1 cup equals Protein - 2.2g Calories - 28.6 Carbs - 5.4g Fiber - 2.8g Calcium - 19.8mg
16. Turnip
You can eat the entire plant, root and leaves. The turnip root is high in vitamin C and the greens are high in vitamins A, C, E, B6 and K, believed to counter inflammation. Add turnip roots to soup, or mash them. Add them to salads. 1 cup equals Protein - 1.6g Calories - 28.8 Carbs - 6.3g Fiber - 5.0g Calcium - 197mg
17. Alfalfa Sprouts
Alfalfa sprouts might be little but they sure are powerful. Plus they're quick and easy to grow. They are loaded with Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Iron and more. But because they have been known to carry bacteria, make sure to fully cook alfalfa sprouts if you have a fragile immune system or are pregnant. 1 cup equals Protein - 1.3 g Calories - 8 Carbs - 0.7 g Fiber - 0.6 g Calcium - 10.6 mg
18. Tomatoes
Keep your tomatoes fresher for longer by storing them stem down. When exposed to sunlight the Vitamin C in a tomato will diminish. 1 cup equals Protein - 1.3g Calories - 26.8 Carbs - 5.8g Fiber - 1.8g Calcium - 14.9mg
19. Zucchini
Zucchini has an abundance of potassium, even more than a banana! The reason zucchini isn't high in calories is that it is made up of 95% water. 1 cup equals Protein - 1.2g Calories - 28.8 Carbs - 7.1g Fiber - 2.5g Calcium - 23.4 mg
20. Spinach
Spinach is filled with Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, fiber and protein. The best part about spinach is you can sauté it, blend it or eat it raw! Spinach is best grown in rainy and cool weather. 1 cup equals Protein - 0.9g Calories - 6.4 Carbs - 1.0 g Fiber - 0.6g Calcium - 27.7 mg
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