Bonjour! A French Inspired Vegan Chocolate Crepe Cake

|Updated May 26, 2020

What We're Cooking This Weekend: Chocolate Vegan Crepe Cake

Recipe Developer: Ciarra @peanutbutterpluschocolate

Total Time: 40 Minutes

Yield: 1 Cake

Why we love it: If you like croissants or flaky pastries, you will love this dessert. This multi-layered crepe cake is a beautiful masterpiece that doesn’t take much time to make. Fill it with coconut whipped cream or any delicious and plant-based topping like caramel, bananas, cherry, and jam. Your dinner guests will ask you for the recipe, it’s a perfect conversation starter and easy to slice and serve.

Alternatives: Gluten-free? Swap out all-purpose flour and use GF King Arthur flour. Add in any of your favorite vegan toppings and serve with a side of fresh fruit.

Health Benefits: This recipe is a healthier option when it comes to desserts or baked goods. Cocoa powder is low in calories and high in essential nutrients like iron, magnesium, and zinc.

Make it for: Your kid’s birthday party or surprise your dinner guest with this sweet and flaky dessert.


For the Crepes:
  • 2 1/2 cup all-purpose flour organic if possible
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 tbsp tapioca flour
  • 3 tbsp 100 % real maple syrup
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 2 1/2 cups unsweetened almond milk
For the Coconut Whip Filling:
  • 2 cans coconut milk full fat and chilled overnight
  • 2 packets stevia
  • 2 oz Lily's Dark Chocolate


For the Crepes:
  1. Place the flour, cocoa powder, maple syrup, vanilla, salt, and almond milk into a food processor or blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Prepare a large non-stick pan with non-stick spray and turn on low heat. *Low heat is very important here.
  3. Once the pan is heated, remove pan just above the heat and using a ¼ measuring cup add the batter to the center of the pan and swirl the pan in a circular motion so the batter spreads out into one thin layer and coats the pan evenly.
  4. Cook the crepe for 4-6 minutes. The edges should start to pull away when it’s ready. Gently loosen the crepe with a spatula and flip.
  5. Cook for an additional 1-2 minutes. Repeat until you have used all the batter.
For the Filling:
  1. Once all the crepes are finished, set them aside while you prepare the filling.
  2. Gently remove the coconut milk cans from the refrigerator.
  3. Open the cans carefully and just scrape the thick cream from the top, reserve the water for future smoothies.
  4. Add the cream to a stand-alone mixer or large mixing bowl and beat using a handheld mixer and whip until light and fluffy. Once the whipped cream comes together, add the stevia packets and continue mixing until combined.


  1. Once the whipped cream is ready, use immediately and spread a thin layer between each crepe.
  2. Top with melted chocolate and shavings.
    *Best if served immediately