Beyond Meat is Giving Away 50,000 Packs of Burgers: Here’s How to Get Yours
Beyond Meat will be making sure that plant-curious burger lovers can try the newest iteration of the brand’s Beyond Burger for the entire month of June. Starting Memorial Day Friday, May 28th, and lasting until the Friday of Independence Day weekend on July 2nd, the company plans to give away 50,000 free Beyond Burger packs so that fans can taste test the new formulation. The offer will be available through the Ibotta app every Friday in June so that fans can enjoy a plant-based summer grilling season.
The new and improved Beyond Burger recipe presents an enhanced, juicier "meatier" patty packed with even more nutrients than the lprevious two iterations. The burgers hold 20g of protein per patty and this version contains 35 percent less total and saturated fat than 80/20 beef. The plant-based patty also contains no cholesterol, making its nutritional value strikingly different than that of animal protein. The Beyond Burger 3.0 will be available through this coupon so that consumers everywhere can taste the progress the company is making.
“This is the best version of beef we’ve done,” Beyond’s Chief Growth Officer Chuck Muth told CNN, adding that the brand will be accelerating development even further to create the “next iteration.”
Besides the 50,000 giveaway, the brand is also hosting free summer grilling pop-ups at Walmarts nationwide to promote its new burger. Starting earlier in May, the Beyond Meat food trucks have been showcasing the plant-based proteins, aiming to encourage people to give meatless alternatives a try. The summer grill-outs will continue to take place at Southern California and Texas locations through June.
The plant-based company has pioneered the development and distribution of plant-based meats. Becoming widely available to meet rising consumer demands, the Beyond Burger can be purchased at 28,000 retail locations. The new iteration will be available for the first time in a pack of four patties alongside the previously released two-pack.
“As one of the first moves in the category, we do have a prominent position,” Muth said. “We’re only going to stay there if we continue to innovate, and we will always stay focused on our innovation and improving our products.”
Beyond Meat’s partnership with the Ibotta app signals that the company plans to keep reaching out to consumers across the country. The plant-based brand is moving to encourage people to try the tastier, closer-to-meat version of its product. The company is making certain that summer grilling will cater to everyone, especially plant-based eaters. Whether it the free burgers or its Beyond Sausages, the company is looking to make strides in development to change food and consumer meat intake well beyond June.
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