Study: 30 Percent of Seniors Are Eating More Plant-Based to Be Healthier
Interest in a plant-based diet is booming in baby-boomers: A recent poll of seniors by Amica Senior Lifestyles found that in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, three out of ten surveyed have made dietary changes by incorporating more plant-based foods into their diet. The report also found that a more plant-based diet isn’t the only healthy lifestyle change seniors are making: 59 percent reported that they also increased their physical activity and made other healthier diet changes.
Health is Motivating Seniors to Go More Plant-Based
Given seniors' increased risk of deadly complications after contracting COVID-19, it’s never been more critical for seniors to protect their health by following a plant-based diet. Mary Purdy, an Integrative and Functional Eco-Dietitian, explains the positive impact a plant-based can have on the overall health of seniors, saying, “I see the growing interest of older individuals in plant-based foods as a natural response to both their current lifecycle and the trends that are buzzing in the news. Many may be working with current or increased risk of cardiometabolic issues (hypertension, elevated cholesterol, higher blood sugars) which copious amounts of research consistently indicate can be mitigated by increasing plant proteins.”
It's Never Too Late to Go Plant-Based
The report’s discovery of senior’s increased interest in living a healthier lifestyle is excellent news and just goes to show that it’s never too late to make the switch to a plant-based diet. We shared a story in May detailing new plant-based programs implemented by nursing homes to help protect the immune systems of elderly residents: A plant-based diet helps build immunity and can lower the lifetime risk of disease. It's never too late to start eating plant-based for your health, and it's never too early.
In just three weeks on a plant-based or vegan diet, seniors can see a significant improvement in biomarkers such as blood pressure, cholesterol, and insulin sensitivity. The story also gives helpful tips on how to get the seniors in your life to make the switch to a plant-based diet, but this new report suggests that seniors needed no help in taking steps to make sure they stay as healthy as possible.
To learn more about starting a plant-based diet at any age, visit our Beginner's Guide here, or sign up for our free 28-Day Plant-Based Plan, kicking off in 2021.
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