Vegan Cooking Show Kirly-Sue’s Global Kitchen Is Now Streaming on Amazon Prime
Some nights, we feel like cooking up a storm. But despite poring over cookbooks and scouting out our favorite recipes online, we wind up no closer to determining that age-old question: What’s for dinner?
Well, we can assure you that after streaming the vegan cooking show—now streaming on Amazon Prime—Kirly-Sue’s Global Kitchen, you’ll not only know exactly what you want to make for dinner tonight but you'll have a few extra recipes filed away for suppers to come. As we learned in a recent piece from our friends over at Plant Based News, the cooking show stars plant-based cooking whiz and YouTube sensation, Susanne Kirlew, who goes by Kirly-Sue.
Journeying between the U.K and Jamaica, epicureans will enjoy learning about how the food grows, what kind of dishes it’s used for, and in-depth recipe tutorials. The series’ three episodes cover ginger, coconut, and sweet potato, spotlighting their use in dishes like chickpea curry and Jamaican classic Ital Stew.
"This is a good time for a cooking show like this because of the huge interest there has been in vegan [and] plant-based cooking. The last couple of years have been great when it comes to the heightened awareness in society of plant-based alternatives,” Kirlew said in a statement via Plant Based News. As more and more become interested in adopting a vegan or vegan-ish lifestyle amidst the coronavirus outbreak, climate crisis, and obesity epidemic, people from all parts of the food spectrum have something to gain from this enlightening series. Watch the trailer below.
If you’re looking for another vegan cooking show fix, check out New Day, New Chef, also available on Amazon Prime. Or, for a shorter dose of plant-based goodness, hop on over to YouTube to check out any of these 10 plant-based cooking channels we love.
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