Tune Into This All-Day Plant-Based Livestream to Learn About Healthy Eating
Plant Powered Metro New York (PPMNY) is giving back to the community once again, celebrating Giving Tuesday with an all-day live stream marathon about plant-based eating. The community-centric health empowerment organization will kick off its Plantathon event on November 30 to provide information, tricks, and guidance to people across both New York and the country. The live stream aims to celebrate the importance of whole food, plant-based nutrition, and highlight the nutritional benefits of plant-based diets.
The community organization will feature a wide cast of experts, celebrity guests, culinary educators, and more that will provide insight on how plant-based food can be the key to several health problems, both mental and physical. The Plantathon will spotlight health testimonials, lifestyle tips, and culinary demonstrations to make plant-based eating as accessible as possible to viewers. PPMNY intends to increase its outreach during the livestreaming event.
“Plantathon is a playful exploration of the diverse and multidimensional field of whole food, plant-based nutrition, while also inviting financial contributions to PPMNY’s work on this Giving Tuesday and throughout the month of December,” PPMNY Network Director Lianna Levine Reisner said. “As a leading grassroots health empowerment organization serving our multicultural local communities, PPMNY educates about and supports people in adopting plant-based nutrition for preventive health and transformative healing. We seek to mainstream and accelerate both awareness and dietary change on the community level.”
Alongside Reisner, PPMNY’s Plantathon will be hosted by the PPMNY Network Technology Advisor Jim Spellos. The livestream marathon will premiere at 12:00 PM EST and run until 7:00 PM EST. Interested viewers can watch the livestream via Facebook and Youtube. Viewers will be encouraged to make a gift or donations during the marathon to support healthy eating in communities in New York City and nationwide. The Plantathon will also award select viewers prizes throughout the event.
The Plantathon will showcase a variety of voices and cuisine throughout the event, providing an angle for plant-based nutrition that aims to reach all viewers and consumers. The live interviews and demonstrations will feature leading plant-based voices including Chef AJ, Leanne Campbell, David Dunaief, Michael Greger, Nelson Campbell, Dotsie Bausch, Brandy Cochrane, Carole Levy, and more. From 2:00 PM EST to 3:00 PM EST, the livestream will be conducted in Spanish by PPMNY’s Latinx community organizer in an effort to broaden the Plantathon’s outreach.
The Plantathon is sponsored by several top names in the plant-based community. The event sponsors include California Balsamic, Lupii, Main Street Vegan, Plant Based TeleHealth, Aaya’s Table, Doctor Herbivore, FRESH Medicine, It’s Seasoned, Plantable, WellBean, and Jovial.
PPMNY will also award select viewers a free scholarship to the Plant-Based Nutrition eCornell Certificate Program, Free Enrollment in PPMNY’s 21 Day Plant-Powered Jumpstart, new cotton PPMNY tote bags, True Made Foods condiments, and new copies of The Starch Solution by John McDougall, MD and The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D.
Viewers will be encouraged to make donations to PPMNY to help the community organization’s mission to help the health and nutrition of individuals across NYC. The donations will be matched from the beginning of the Plantathon through the end of 2021 up to $25,000. The donations will help PPMNY teach people how to use plant-based nutrition to overcome chronic illnesses and maximize help.
Plant Powered Metro New York envisions communities free of illness, and people living their best lives, through the widespread adoption of whole food, plant-based (WFPB) nutrition. Each person has the tools and support systems they need to take charge of their health with the food they eat.
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