The 5 Best Influencers We Are Most Inspired by Right Now
Plant-based blogging has taken the world by storm and more and more people are becoming vegan with the help of influencers and their delicious, easy-to-make recipes. It's easier than ever to save, share, and send recipes with your friends and encourage your loved ones to eat more plants. Whether you're on the journey solo or with your companion, like featured influencers Roxy Pope and Ben Pook, Instagram will always provide you with help and support. We put together a list of 5 vegan and plant-based influencers that are inspiring us to put our best plant foot forward and get cooking in the kitchen.
1. Ellen Fisher @ellenfisher, a vegan mother who makes it look easy
Ellen Fisher has been vegan for over 14 years and is expecting her 4th baby soon. If you are looking for helpful tips and advice on vegan pregnancy or raising vegan children, Ellen will take you step-by-step. She lives an adventurous life in Maui and incorporates island-style food in her recipes. Follow her popular YouTube account where Ellen posts helpful videos like how to travel and eat vegan, what foods her 4-year-old vegan is loving, and trendy videos about her daily life in Hawaii.
2. @sweetpotatosoul, a bubbly recipe developer who specializes in comfort food
Living in California, Jenné Claiborne is a newly vegan mother and makes meals everyone in the family will love. It's no surprise her Instagram name is sweet potato soul, a lot of her dishes are made with sweet potatoes, like her stuffed sweet potatoes with faro and mushroom filling, sweet potato home fries, sweet potato falafel and many more. Jenné's bubbly personality will make you watch her YouTube videos religiously. With 507k subscribers, she'll help you avoid bloating, provide mothering advice, and teach you how to master the vegan meal plan like a pro.
3. @pickuplimes, the queen of photogenic, easy vegan meals
Sadia Badiei, a master of photogenic photography and wholesome foods. She has a large vegan community on Instagram and YouTube with 2.16 million followers where she posts step-by-step recipe tutorials and videos on how to meal prep. You don't need to a master chef to make her meals, Sadia cooks hearty vegan soups and simple protein-filled salads.. Aside from her food recipes, she makes delicious infused drinks like ginger, mint, and lemonade, and a warm and healing coconut matcha latte. Get your cooking supplies ready, you will want to make every single recipe.
4. @the_buddhist_chef, your virtual vegan chef
Jean-Philippe Cyr is a vegan chef and author of The Buddhist Chef, which is a collection of his favorite recipes inspired by cuisines from all over the world. If you like his Instagram, you will be intrigued by his YouTube channel where he posts high energy videos that will make you want to cook every recipe. His recipes include lots of vegan proteins like seitan, tofu, chickpeas, and jackfruit. He has been featured on Canadian TV shows like ICI-Radio and talks about his journey with veganism, what he eats and how he feels.
5. Roxy Pope and Ben Pook @sovegan, the vegan couple that cooks together.
Roxy Pope and Ben Pook are the vegan couple behind the @sovegan, with “fuss-free recipes”, and So Vegan in 5, the popular UK based vegan cookbook with over 100 super simple recipes. This couple makes drool-worthy recipes and many you can make for your guests, like spicy bbq cauliflower wings with vegan ranch dipping sauce, homemade gnocchi with warm pesto and fresh cherry tomatoes, and melt-in-your-mouth double chocolate brownies.
If you want to share your favorite vegan influencers with us, email info@thebeet.com or DM us on Instagram @thebeet, we would love to know who's inspiring you!
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