MTV’s Siesta Key Star Chloe Trautman Loses 50 Pounds After Going Vegan

|Updated Jul 13, 2021

It may be all drama and daiquiris on MTV’s reality show Siesta Key, but it’s all fruits and veggies for the reality show’s cast member Chloe Trautman. In a recent interview with Life & Style, the 25-year-old opened up to the celebrity news outlet about her recent weight loss journey. “It’s not really a diet, it’s more of a lifestyle change,” she said. “I’m just as active as possible. I have a personal trainer, Haley, she’s amazing. I do yoga; I walk the beach; I rollerblade. “I went vegan, and I just eat a lot of vegetables and a lot of fruit,” the Concept by Chloe blogger continued.

For Trautman, finding success has also been achieved by avoiding overeating and steering clear of late-night snacks and meals. As the coronavirus pandemic screeched the world to a halt, she was also able to use the downtime at home to overhaul her eating and exercise habits. “I was one of those [people] that when quarantine came about, instead of eating and drinking a ton, I decided to start working out three times a day. So it was, you know … there’s a lot of good things that came out of this year for me and I’m just really grateful,” she said.

Of course, Trautman is in good company when it comes to losing weight on a plant-based diet. From superstars like Adele and Kelly Osborne to everyday people like Chuck Carroll who lost 275 pounds on a vegan diet and Mylitta Butler who lost 160 pounds eating vegan, following a balanced, plant-based diet filled with fruits, veggies, whole grains, and legumes is one of the best ways to achieve lasting weight loss.

Losing weight, of course, is about so much more than numbers on a scale. As Trautman summed it up in a recent Instagram post, “I have transformed more in the past year than I have in all my other years combined.”

Here’s to more success on this healthy, wholesome diet, Chloe. Keep inspiring us fans.