Food Fight: The Impossible Whopper is a Huge Hit, says Burger King
The food fight just entered round two. Last week Burger King let the world know that its Impossible Whopper was the most popular addition to its menu in recent memory, and the brand then hit back against critics of meatless meat. A consumer group called Center for Consumer Freedom run by a former tobacco lobbyist, took out ads in The New York Times with the headline: "What's Hiding in Your Plant-Based Meat?" with the aim of undermining the health benefits of plant-based burgers. (At The Beet we want people to eat a diet of whole foods, and unprocessed plant based foods such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains and seeds. But it an Impossible Burger or Beyond Burger is a way to get the public's attention and start people on their journey toward giving up animal products and being healthier, then all good.)
In a great piece outlining the latest skirmish in the war over your diet, Elaine Watson writes in Food Navigator that the skirmishes are getting nastier, louder and the stakes higher.
Read about the battle for your food choices here.
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