My Pet Knows Me Better Than I Know Myself, 70% of Dog Owners Believe

|Updated Dec 28, 2020
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"Sit, paw, rollover," if those words are frequent parts of your vocabulary, you may stand with 2,000 people who participated in a recent survey all about their dogs that say that their pets know them better than they know themselves.

During the pandemic, more Americans opted to adopt a furry-friend for extra company as social activities no longer existed. Plus, working from home allowed us to have more time and energy to train and bond with a new pet. According to a survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of DOGTV, 2,000 American dog owners spent an average of $122.32 on dog supplies to prepare their homes for the arrival of their new pet. They also said that they dedicated an average of 11 hours a week training their puppy.

The first year of becoming a dog parent means vet visits, constant attention, hourly walks, and unfortunately, new furniture. According to the same survey, in the first year of owning a dog, participants experienced chewed shoes, an average of five emergency visits to the vet, and six sprints out the front door to freedom. Also within their first year, respondents' dogs chewed up an average of 27 toys, destroyed four pieces of furniture, and escaped from their leash six different times. All things that can be part of the expected process of house-breaking a puppy.

On the other hand, when the first twelve months are over, owning a dog is pure happiness. We sleep with our pets, they help us work, we try to translate their bark, and we can't go anywhere without them, and vice versa. In the same survey, 64 percent of people said they "don't know where they'd be without their dog's love and support," proving that pets really did save 2020.

How well does your dog know you?

Puppy love is a real term for affection and support, and most people feel they need puppy love during difficult times. Respondents shared that on average their dog has helped them heal three broken hearts, and 61 percent said their dog is a better judge of character than they are. Does that mean our dogs are the perfect wingman? Paw-bably!

After all, we spend so much time with our pets, that they become family members. It's no surprise that seven in 10 respondents claimed that their dogs know them better than they know themselves.

Are you feeling worried about your dog when you have to head back to work?

If you adopted a pet during the pandemic, it's likely that you have spent every minute by their side. According to the same survey, 64 percent of people said they’re "worried about returning to their normal schedules (whenever that may be) and are concerned their dog will develop separation anxiety." In addition, six in 10 of employed participants shared that they "wish their workplace was dog-friendly so they wouldn’t have to part ways once things return to normal."

However, working from home can mean more hours spent on your computer and less time to play with your pup. Trying to find the perfect balance between work and play can get creative. According to the survey, 46 percent of people shared they "turn a dog enrichment program on the TV for their pup to keep them occupied and another 32 percent let them watch a random channel." If your pup has watched and finished The Queens Gambit before you, that's a luxury. TV seems to be an effective way to occupy your pup when you need to focus. Fifty percent of participants said their dogs interact with the TV, and even 58 percent of participants said they think their dog is more invested in their TV shows than they are.

On a personal note, I rescued my puppy Tillie in September: She is only five months and one of the best assistant workers! She has only chewed up a pair of sandals, and hopefully, that's it–knock on wood).  All things considered, she is one low maintenance puppy and likes to snuggle underneath blankets and run around in circles 20 times in the yard. That's her below!