Your Positive Feedback Loop: Affirmations to Start the Day Off Right

|Updated Jul 13, 2020
you can do it

These affirmations are great ways to build confidence, relax, uplift and relieve stress and anxiety. We've all heard the mantra "my body is a temple", but these affirmations won't just remind you about how you should treat your body, but rather empower you through confidence to treat it the way it deserves.

Positive affirmations can be repeated at any time of the day, but are especially soothing in the early hours of the day during meditation, stretching or yoga. Repeat your favorites every morning, and watch as mantra becomes a belief and your mindset becomes increasingly more positive.

  • My goal this week is to be positive and stay strong.
  • I am in charge of my life. I am the sole being who has power over my decisions.
  • I am striving to become healthier through my guided eating and exercise habits.
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  • I will face the day head-on and meet challenges with confidence and determination.
  • Negative emotions do not control my life. I actively let go of all toxic habits and thoughts in favor of positive ones.
  • I can only affect the outcome of circumstances I can control. I release myself from the weight of circumstances beyond my control and give it to the universe.
  • I possess the ability to conquer my fears and reach my dreams.
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  • I trust that I am on the right path and am becoming closer to my true self every day.
  • I give myself space to grow and learn while embarking on a new journey.

What are your favorite words of affirmation? Let us know in the comments below.