When Your Loved One Goes Vegan, What Do You Make for Dinner?

|Updated Jun 3, 2020
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When the child of one The New York Times food reporter announced she was vegetarian earlier this year, it sent the veteran food writer on a journey toward re-learning how to cook. Julia Moskin shares her intimate story of discovery, failure and ultimately success toward putting healthy, delicious dinners on the table. This is one story we can relate to here at The Beet.

In fact, when I declared I was going plant-based in May, my husband—the chef in our household—tried valiantly to do so as well. He called himself "veganesque" and gave up meat, dairy and eggs. Most of the time. But when he cooked for the two of us he had to adjust his meals as well as shopping and label reading and start to really research which products are truly plant-based.

When a loved one decides to give up animal products (whether they go vegetarian or vegan) it impacts the whole family. Here, Moskin shares her journey to getting it right. If you're struggling with the same push and pull in your household, and want to get inspired to cook for those you love, whether you're the veg-eater or the reluctant participant in their vegan or plant-based life, this is a great piece.

Here's more on how to feed your family a healthy plant-based dinner.