This Superfood Has the Most Plant Protein Per Ounce: 5 Reasons to Add It to Your Diet

|Updated Jun 10, 2021
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You may have heard of chlorophyll or spirulina as daily health ingredients to boost your morning routine, but in fact, there's an alga called chlorella that experts are touting as even more powerful when it comes to health benefits–and its oversized protein content–to add to your daily ritual. Read this before you make your next green drink.

In Asiatic countries, chlorella has been harvested and used for food and as a health booster for hundreds of years. Today, chlorella in the form of dietary supplements is widespread throughout the world, says Uma Naidoo, M.D., director of nutritional and lifestyle psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, professional chef, nutrition specialist and author of This is Your Brain on Food, and with good reason, as research shows it carries an oversized amount of antioxidants, nutrients, and protein.

Chlorella has more protein per ounce than any other plant food

For starters, “It has more protein than any other type of non-animal food by weight,” explains Mark Drucker, MD, integrative medicine physician, and co-founder and medical director of the Center for Advanced Medicine in Encinitas, California. All plants have protein in varying amounts, but chlorella is over 50 percent protein by weight. Bonus? It’s also a complete protein, meaning that it has all of the essential amino acids you need.

Plus, by adding chlorella to your morning smoothie, you'll get iron, vitamin C, vitamin D, copper, potassium, calcium, lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin K, magnesium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, and other B vitamins. In fact, chlorella is the highest plant source of B12, Drucker says, which makes this an especially beneficial plant for vegans. 

The other reason to eat chlorella? Like all plants, chlorella is packed with fiber. Just note that you have to eat large quantities to get the fiber benefits, which most individuals aren’t doing, Naidoo adds. 

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The 5 Health Benefits of Chlorella

While you know these nutrients are beneficial to your health, what exactly will chlorella do for you? Start with the benefits you’ll experience immediately.   

1. Chlorella helps improve digestion and works to detox the body

The first thing you may notice is how cleansing and balancing chlorella is to your digestive health. “Because you’re cleaning out toxins from your digestive system, you’ll have less bloating and constipation,” Drucker says. In one study, subjects with heavy metals in their bloodstream took chlorella supplements for 90 days and it helped lower their baseline levels. These toxins can seep into the body through titanium implants, amalgam fillings, and other pollutants, so taking chlorella appears to minimize the potential damage that these toxins can cause over time.

2. Add chlorella for energy and focus

Chlorella is known to improve energy and mental performance, thanks in part to chlorella’s B12. “B12 is key to mental sharpness and clarity,” Drucker says. You might even notice that you have less brain fog.  More than one study shows it benefits brain health and memory.

3. Chlorella supports a strong immune system.

What about long-term health? Not only will you reduce your risk of various diseases, you’ll also support your immune system by consuming chlorella. “You’ll be less likely to get infections, but if you do get them, you’ll get over them more quickly,” Drucker says. In one study, subjects who consumed chlorella tablets for 8 weeks had a significant increase in immune cells compared to those who were given a placebo, which indicates that chlorellsupplementation may induce the production of your body's immune response.

4. Chlorella may help lower cholesterol and control blood lipids

Taking 5 to 10 mg of chlorella a day has been shown to help lower  LDL cholesterol and keep blood lipids under control, in individuals with an elevated risk of heart disease according to one study. The effect was nearly immediate since the study subjects' cholesterol and triglyceride levels dropped in just four weeks.

5. Chlorella may help reduce symptoms of depression

Studies show that chlorella may aid in lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure and giving mental health a boost, says Naidoo. One study from Nutritional Psychiatry found that individuals diagnosed with major depressive disorder showed a greater reduction in their symptoms of depression and anxiety when receiving chlorella supplementation in tandem with standard antidepressant therapy versus taking standard antidepressant therapy without chlorella. “Incorporating food and nutrients into traditional mental health care is a powerful method of holistically improving symptoms of poor mental wellbeing in individuals,” she says. 

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How to Add Chlorella to Your Diet

You can take chlorella in various forms, namely as tablets, powders, and liquids. The biggest difference? If you take the liquid form, you won’t get the fiber or protein, says Drucker, who prefers to take it in tablet or powder form. 

Outside of that, personal preference should drive what form you choose. One buying tip? “Chlorella’s exterior cell walls are noted to be quite tough and difficult to digest so it’s good to look for ‘cracked cell wall chlorella’ to increase the supplement’s absorbability,” Naidoo says. 

When searching for a product, you should also know that there are two types of chlorella: Chlorella vulgaris and chlorella pyrenoidosa. While both are healthy, Drucker prefers the pyrenoidosa version because its nutritional benefits have been more researched than the other. 

If you’re taking chlorella in powder form, you can add it to almost any food, especially smoothies and oatmeal. You can also cook with it, adding it to dishes like muffins, dressings, and cookies. (If you want recipes with chlorella, check out these) It does have a strong taste, Naidoo warns, so start off in small quantities, but don’t overdo it. “Studies have shown that consuming too much chlorella can cause gastrointestinal problems and general stomach upset,” she says.  

Of course, even with all of its nutrients and health-promoting properties, chlorella is still only a supplement. “You shouldn’t rely on superfood supplements like chlorella to act in place of food as your main source of nutrients,” Naidoo says. “While supplements like chlorella can act as a complement to a diet of healthy whole foods, eating a diet high in colorful, fiber-rich plant foods and healthy sources of fat and protein is the best practice to follow for optimal nutrition and good health.” 

The Top 20 Veggies with the Most Protein

Soybeans have 28.6 grams of protein per cup or 4.7 grams per ounce.

1. Soy Beans

Soybeans are a legume but they are such a great source of protein that we had to lead the veggie list with it. There is more protein in just one ounce of soybeans than a cup of sliced avocado! 1 cup equals Protein - 28.6g Calories - 298 Carbs - 17.1g Fiber - 10.3g Calcium - 175mg

Green peas have 8.6 grams of protein per cup or 1.5 grams per ounce.

2. Peas

If the pod, that peas are grown in, is split down the middle, that is an indicator they are ripe. Seeds inside the pod vary and can be green, white or yellow. 1 cup equals Protein - 8.6g Calories - 134 Carbs - 25g Fiber - 8.8g Calcium - 43.2 mg

Fresh corn has 5.4 grams of protein per cup or .9 grams per ounce.

3. Corn

Fresh corn is a great source of energy for those who like to stay active. Protein isn't all that corn has to offer. Corn provides the body with potassium and B vitamins. 1 cup equals Protein - 5.4g Calories - 177 Carbs - 123g Fiber - 4.6g Calcium - 4.9mg

Artichoke hearts have 4.8 grams of protein per cup or .8 grams per ounce.

4. Artichoke Hearts

Artichokes are part of the sunflower family. The fiber in artichoke hearts is great for supporting digestion. 1 cup equals Protein - 4.8g Calories - 89 Carbs - 20g Fiber - 14.4g Calcium - 35.2mg

Asparagus have 4.4 grams of protein per cup or .7 grams per ounce.

5. Asparagus

If not properly stored, Asparagus tends to go bad quickly, To elongate freshness, put damp paper towels around the stems, or place the entire asparagus bunch in a cup of water (like flowers) to maintain freshness longer. 1 cup equals Protein - 4.4g Calories - 39.6 Carbs - 7.4g Fiber - 3.6g Calcium - 41.4mg

Brussel Sprouts have 4 grams of protein per cup or .7 grams per ounce.

6. Brussel Sprouts

Brussel sprouts have more Vitamin C than an orange. If your Brussel sprouts have a rancid odor that is an indicator you overcooked them. The smell occurs because the sprouts are composed of a great amount of sulforaphane. 1 cup equals Protein - 4g Calories - 56.2 Carbs - 40g Fiber - 4g Calcium - 56.2mg

Broccoli has 3.8 grams of protein per cup or .7 grams per ounce.

7. Broccoli

If you are trying to lose weight broccoli is a great addition to your diet because it consists of 90 water and is also high in fiber. 1 cup (chopped) equals Protein - 3.8g Calories - 54.6Carbs - 11.2g Fiber - 5.2g Calcium - 62.4mg

Mustard Greens have 3.2 grams of protein per cup or .6 grams per ounce.

8. Mustard Greens

Mustard greens provide the body with tons of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and fiber. Adding steamed mustard greens into your diet has been known to lower cholesterol and reduce inflammation. 1 cup equals Protein - 3.2 g Calories - 21 Carbs - 2.9g Fiber - 2.8g Calcium - 104mg

Avocados have 3 grams of protein per cup or .6 grams per ounce.

9. Avocado

Avocado is commonly mistaken as a vegetable but it is technically a fruit. This fruit had to be included in our veggie list because it isn't just tasty but super nutritious. Avocados are packed with protein but they are a great source of potassium and fiber. Avocados are a great addition to any salad, sandwich and even smoothie!

Onions have 2.9 grams of protein per cup or .4 grams per ounce.

10. Onions

Onions are an unappreciated food hero since they provide 20 percent of your daily Vitamin C and deliver an abundance of antioxidants that can reduce inflammation. 1 cup (chopped) equals Protein - 2.9g Calories - 92.4 Carbs - 21.3g Fiber - 2.9g Calcium - 46.2mg

Beets have 2.8 grams of protein per cup or .5 grams per ounce.

11. Beets

The entire beetroot is edible including the leaves which contain loads of vitamin A, calcium, iron and potassium. Beetroot is high in sugar but is considered one of the most nutritious veggies used in salads and soups. 1 cup equals Protein - 2.8 g Calories - 74.8 Carbs - 17g Fiber - 3.4g Calcium - 27.2mg

Raw oyster mushrooms have 2.8 grams of protein per cup (sliced) or .9 grams per ounce.

12. Oyster Mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms are commonly seen in Chinese dishes. They grow best in a controlled environment indoors. Oyster mushrooms have so many nutrients to offer besides protein such as iron, calcium, zinc and folic acid. 1 cup (raw and sliced) equals Protein - 2.8g Calories - 37 Carbs - 5.6g Fiber - 2.0g Calcium - 2.6mg

Bok Choy has 2.7 grams of protein per cup or .4 grams per ounce.

13. Bok Choy

Bok Choy is a member of the mustard family. One of the oldest cultivated vegetables in the world, Bok Choy means "white vegetable” and is a great source of vitamins A, C, B6, K, and E, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, and calcium. 1 cup equals Protein - 2.7 g Calories - 20.4 Carbs - 3.1g Fiber - 1.7g Calcium - 158mg

Green beans have 2.4 grams of protein per cup or .9 grams per ounce.

14. Green Beans

Green beans are a great source of vitamins B, C and K, and minerals such as magnesium, iron and manganese. Green beans should be cooked before eating, to destroy lectins. China is the biggest grower of green beans in the world, exporting over 15 million tons a year. 1 cup equals Protein - 1.8 g Calories - 31 Carbs - 7 g Fiber - 2.7 g Calcium - 37 mg

Cauliflower 2.2 grams of protein per cup or .5 grams per ounce.

15. Cauliflower

The most nutritious way to consume cauliflower is steamed. Don't get intimidated by orange, purple or green cauliflower. All three types have the same benefits as white cauliflower. 1 cup equals Protein - 2.2g Calories - 28.6 Carbs - 5.4g Fiber - 2.8g Calcium - 19.8mg

Turnips have 1.6 grams of protein per cup or .3 grams per ounce.

16. Turnip

You can eat the entire plant, root and leaves. The turnip root is high in vitamin C and the greens are high in vitamins A, C, E, B6 and K, believed to counter inflammation. Add turnip roots to soup, or mash them. Add them to salads. 1 cup equals Protein - 1.6g Calories - 28.8 Carbs - 6.3g Fiber - 5.0g Calcium - 197mg

Alfalfa Sprouts have 1.3 grams of protein per cup or 1.1grams per ounce.

17. Alfalfa Sprouts

Alfalfa sprouts might be little but they sure are powerful. Plus they're quick and easy to grow. They are loaded with Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Iron and more. But because they have been known to carry bacteria, make sure to fully cook alfalfa sprouts if you have a fragile immune system or are pregnant. 1 cup equals Protein - 1.3 g Calories - 8 Carbs - 0.7 g Fiber - 0.6 g Calcium - 10.6 mg

Cherry tomatoes have 1.3 grams of protein per cup or .2 grams per ounce.

18. Tomatoes

Keep your tomatoes fresher for longer by storing them stem down. When exposed to sunlight the Vitamin C in a tomato will diminish. 1 cup equals Protein - 1.3g Calories - 26.8 Carbs - 5.8g Fiber - 1.8g Calcium - 14.9mg

Zucchini has 1.2 grams of protein per cup or .2 grams per ounce.

19. Zucchini

Zucchini has an abundance of potassium, even more than a banana! The reason zucchini isn't high in calories is that it is made up of 95% water. 1 cup equals Protein - 1.2g Calories - 28.8 Carbs - 7.1g Fiber - 2.5g Calcium - 23.4 mg

Spinach has .9 grams of protein per cup or .8 grams per ounce.

20. Spinach

Spinach is filled with Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, fiber and protein. The best part about spinach is you can sauté it, blend it or eat it raw! Spinach is best grown in rainy and cool weather. 1 cup equals Protein - 0.9g Calories - 6.4 Carbs - 1.0 g Fiber - 0.6g Calcium - 27.7 mg