I Can’t Believe it’s Not Butter… It’s Vegan
This spread is like margarine so if you like that, you'll love this. With only 60 calories and 2 grams of sat fat, this is the healthiest of the butters we tested. The more we know about how unhealthy sat fat is, the more we appreciate this butter. So though it may not have won in every category for taste, it definitely takes home the highest marks for being the healthiest option.
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter! It's Vegan
Spreadable Goodness
Editor's Take
This spread is like margarine so if you like that, you'll love this. With only 60 calories and 2 grams of sat fat, this is the healthiest of the butters we tested. The more we know about how unhealthy sat fat is, the more we appreciate this butter. So though it may not have won in every category for taste, it definitely takes home the highest marks for being the healthiest option.