PETA Asks Gordon Ramsay to Make His Restaurant Menus Fully Vegan

|Updated Apr 21, 2020
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In a letter to multi-Michelin star chef Gordon Ramsay, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animas (PETA) urged the famed restauranteur to consider turning his dining establishments fully vegan,  in the wake of the coronavirus health crisis.

PETA Asks for Expansion of Vegan Menu

Ramsey, who has taken measures to develop and expand the vegan menus within his restaurants like Bread Street Kitchen, is now being urged by the animal-rights group to go fully plant-based. In the letter, Dawn Car, Director of Vegan Corporate Projects at PETA, cites Ramsay's own words to help persuade him, quoting the restauranteur as saying, "Vegan is on the rise-- we've got to adapt."

While his establishments have made considerable leaps in adding plant-based options to their menus, PETA went a step further in their appeal, calling the global pandemic "[an] opportunity to reinvent your restaurants as fully vegan ventures: instead of laying off your staff, it's time to lay off animals."

"Adapting has never been more urgent. Animal agriculture is an environmental disaster, contributing to climate change, drought, deforestation, desertification, and the devastation of ecosystems." It adds"  "The coronavirus pandemic is our wake-up call."

What do you think about PETA's letter? Should more restaurants be going entirely vegan in light of the COVID-19 pandemic? Let us know what you think in the comments below!