New ‘Meatless Bacon’ Promises to Deliver Tastes Like the Real Thing
If you consider yourself plant-based, vegetarian, or vegan, you’ve probably heard your fair share of people telling you why they couldn’t make the same change. Many say they couldn't make the switch because they couldn’t let go of a certain favorite food, often steak, cheese or…bacon. While many companies have been racing to find a meatless substitute that looks, tastes, and crisps up like the real thing, UK online retailer Musclefood believes it has done just that. And it’s couldn’t be simpler.
Musclefood is offering a meatless ‘bacon’ kit that gives at-home cooks the ability to transform a parsnip into crispy, smokey strips that mimic the real thing. The kit, which sells for only £1.50, comes with a parsnip, a tool to peel it, and a marinade that gives the vegetable a smokey taste reminiscent of bacon.
Making Your Own Vegan Bacon
The brand’s Head of Product Innovation, Amy Kershaw, explained the idea behind the kit, saying to Plant Based News, “A comforting bacon butty or a filling fry up are staples of our national cuisine, so we’ve decided to dispel the myth that following a vegan diet or cutting down on meat has to be about abstinence.
“Our new completely plant-based bacon kit means that you can enjoy a fresh and healthy alternative to real bacon, without fueling concerns about harming animals or the planet. By following a few simple steps provided with the ingredients, home cooks can turn humble parsnips into tempting vegan bacon ready for the breakfast table or other meals."
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