Mari Llewellyn Shares Her Fitness Tips, Launches New Plant-Based Protein

|Updated Nov 3, 2020

When Mari Llewellyn takes to Instagram to talk to her 1.3 million followers, her dedicated army listens, so when she announced she was launching a plant-based protein powder as part of her Bloom Nutrition line of healthy products, it's no surprise that it sold out in a matter of days. Mari has been sharing daily fitness inspiration, including her journey and total body transformation for years now. Adding plant-based protein to her arsenal was the next logical step.

One reason people love Mari is she is an open book, and while she talks about her healthy fitness moves, she never stresses being skinny over being strong. The goal is a healthy self, inside and out, and living life in balance.

Mari posts pictures of herself in the days when she was not as fit and trim, with captions that remind us that every journey has a beginning, and to never be hard on ourselves, but rather look forward to where we are trying to go, with life-affirming and forgiving captions like "A reminder that we all start somewhere" on a side-by-side comparison of herself then and now posted on her IG. Be kind to yourself, her brand and voice projects, since the journey is the point, and loving yourself along the way is the key to your success and happiness.

Her legions buy this message and now they buy plant-based protein as one more tool in their arsenal of how to achieve these healthy-body goals.

The Plant-Based Protein has sold out but will be restocked soon. One reason is that it has everything you need and want in a protein, but nothing you don't. The super-popular new product with 20 grams of pure plant-based protein in every scoop. "It's fast-digesting, and packed with vitamins, perfect for building lean muscle," says the site.

The ingredients in this formula are raw, organic, and a handpicked blend, with protein sourced from organic peas, quinoa sprouts, pumpkin seed sprouts, and more. The fiber blend is made up of flax seeds and chia seeds to promote optimal digestion. The fruit and vegetable blend is packed with ginger, beets, carrots, blueberries, and more.


"This is the perfect plant-based formula for someone who wants to get the most out of their protein powder," Bloom's site says. It will  "improve lean muscle, digestion, gut health and overall health with 1 to 2 scoops as many times a day as needed!"

Next up:  Bloom is working on new vegan wellness supplements, which fitness influencer and entrepreneur Mari Llewellyn, founder of Bloom Nutrition, says will be exactly what you need to take your health and training to the next level. Mari answered The Beet's questions about why she decided to launch a plant-based protein powder now, and how she stays energized throughout her busy days and workouts.

TB: What is your favorite vegan smoothie recipe?

That's easy! I love my Peanut Butter Power Up smoothie with our plant-based protein powder. It's tasty, packed with protein, and keeps me going during my busy days.

Peanut Butter Power-Up Smoothie

  • 1 1/2 cups of unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 scoop of Bloom Nutrition Plant-Based Protein (I love our chocolate milkshake flavor!)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 tablespoon of peanut butter
  • A dash of vanilla extract

Add all ingredients to your blender and blend for up to 1 minute or until smooth. Enjoy!

TB: How plant-based are you and why?

Mari: I believe that your diet should be individualized to fit your body’s needs! For example, I make sure I get a lot of healthy fats for my brain and high protein for my active lifestyle. While I eat a variety of foods, I love finding fruits and vegetables that are in season, and foods that are locally sourced.

TB What is your go-to post-workout meal or smoothie to replace energy and recovery?

Mari: I often make my plant-based smoothie for a quick post-workout snack before I start my meetings for the day. If I have a little more time on my hands, I’ll make an avocado toast with eggs. My goal is to get in enough protein to rebuild my muscles while saturating my body to last through a busy morning.

Mari Llewellyn 4TB: What are your top tips for people who want to be healthier and fitter now? What is your number one thing to do or eat?

Mari: My number one tip is just to start! Take small steps in the right direction of your goal. For example, when I first started my fitness journey, I began taking my dog on more frequent walks every day. You don’t have to make a dramatic change, just get started. I also recommend upping your water intake. So many people don’t get in enough water - I noticed that when I began drinking a gallon of water a day I felt so much better.

TB: What general tips do you have for someone who wants to “get back on track” and lose weight?

Mari: Notice how healthy habits make you feel on the INSIDE. For me, physical changes could only motivate me so much. Once I noticed an improvement in my mental health, I was even more compelled to move in the right direction with my health. I also recommend thinking about your future self. Just a few small habits every day can change so much about your life.


TB: How can someone curb a craving for sweets?

Mari: Instead of restricting yourself, find small healthy snacks that you can save for that time of day when cravings hit. Try baking with your favorite protein powder or adding some berries to yogurt. I also love SmartSweets for when I really have a sweet tooth. They have plant-based options as well!

TB: What are some tips you can provide for staying emotionally and physically healthy during this strange and unpredictable year? Anything that's worked for you?

Mari: Keeping movement in your day is crucial during this time. Instead of letting myself feel restricted by gyms closing, I have pivoted to home workouts, outdoor exercise, hiking, and anything else I can do to keep my body moving. Look at this time as an opportunity to find new methods of exercise and to clear your head!

TB: Do you have plans to launch more vegan products?

Mari: Yes! We love providing options for our plant-based community and will continue asking for their feedback. We have some new plant-based wellness supplements on the way and we couldn’t be more excited.