Celebrity Trainer Corey Calliet on How to Spend This Time Getting Fitter
Corey Calliet helped Khloe Kardashian and her viewers how to get their "Revenge Body," and now he has tips for how you can get your "Quarantine Body" and not the kind that has already seen most of us gain 10 lbs in the past month, but the kind we would all like to emerge with, at the end of this scary and anxiety-producing time! Here, he shares his best advice so we don't make a bad time worse, by eating our way through this time of sheltering in place. I love his hashtag, which I had not heard before: #progressingnotstressing. Here is how to do that!
Q. What is the one piece of advice you would give people who are spending too much time sitting, snacking and generally worrying, being anxious—and eating to comfort ourselves?
A. Get active! This doesn’t mean you have to get up and do a full-blown workout, in fact getting active doesn’t even have to be physical in nature. This could be as simple as jotting down a solid goal for yourself.
Take this one step further and add a plan of action to those goals. Anything to redirect yourself and your attention in a positive way, away from destructive tendencies like stress, fear, worry, boredom can spark a powerful change of direction.
Now for this comfort eating many are finding themselves battling, I strongly advise you to clean up your snack stash and swap out the highly processed, unhealthy foods for ones packed with nutrition, like almonds, to keep you satisfied and fueled for positivity and productivity!
Q. If you could give me a 10-minute workout what would it be? Someone today talked about Jumping Jacks on the morning shows. What is your "go-to" quickie move or a few of them
A. Burpees and squat jumps are two of my all-time favorite exercises that maximize your physical output! Try this:
- Set your timer for 10 minutes. Every minute (0, 1, 2,…etc.), perform 10 burpees, and 10 squat jumps.
- Try to optimize your recovery time by completing your reps well before the next minute hits.
- By the time your 10 mins is up, you will have completed 100 reps each of burpees and squat jumps!
Q. How do you want people to think about fitness --when we hear such devastating news headlines? How do we flip the switch and prioritize being strong and fit and healthy?
A. I want people to think about being active more than stressing about specifics when it comes to fitness. Especially in times of stress, or navigating foreign territory like mixing work (and school for some) with home, we don’t need to overcomplicate things. Just move.
It’s amazing what movement can do for everything, from your mental health to your internal, like your immune system! So stretch, ditch the office chair and move your laptop to the countertop, catch a 15-20 min break with a quick workout. Make simple adjustments to your day that will benefit you not just in this moment, but in the long run. Now is your time to prioritize yourself!
Q. What is your go-to snack? Something plant-based for our audience please.
Trail mix! I love making my own to help ensure I’m getting not only what I want but also what I need. My go-to mix is all-natural almonds, dried fruit of any kind, and pumpkin seeds for added power. I usually give this a shake with a pinch of sea salt and coconut sugar.
Q. What is your mantra? Words that you live by -- and why?
I have many! But in these times, I find myself repeating “Eat right, or look/feel wrong” morning, noon and night when those snack attacks strike! Eating right is more than just aligning your nutrition with what getting the results the eye can see. It’s far deeper than that. What we consume influences the way we feel and operate; it fuels our health and wellbeing.
Corey Calliet: Celebrity Trainer, Body Transformation Specialist, Corey Calliet is best known for his work in transforming Michael B. Jordan for his role as Adonis Creed in the movie Creed, Corey is one of the trainers on E!'s Revenge Body by Khloe Kardashian. He has more than 10 years of experience in sculpting and transforming physiques, A father of one, he is a passionate advocate in the fight against childhood obesity, and you can find his Quarantine & Train workouts @Fitplan_app.
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