“10,000 Black Vegan Women” Program Launched By Author and Nutritionist Tracye McQuirter

|Updated Dec 14, 2021
Instagram / @byanygreens

Tracye McQuirter, a public health nutritionist, award-winning author, and 33-year veteran of veganism has launched a new program aimed to promote plant-based eating in the African American community called “10,000 Black Vegan Women”. 

McQuirter says that "The 10,000 Black Vegan Women program will help 10,000 African-American women go vegan in 2020 to live longer, healthier lives. Although we have a long history of being plant-based pioneers and activists, including Rosa ParksCoretta Scott KingAngela Davis and others, we also have the most to gain from the health benefits of eating plant-based foods because we experience the highest rates of preventable, diet-related diseases in the country."

Black women are disproportionally affected by diet-related diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer, and McQuirter believes that a plant-based diet, which has been shown to reduce the risks of chronic diseases, will equip them to push back against the statistics.

Changing the Health Paradigm

McQuirter explains her driving motivation behind this program, saying, "I want to truly change the health paradigm of black women. We are leaders in so many progressive ways, but we are in a crisis when it comes to our health," she says. "And while there are many reasons for this, we have the power to take back control of our health. It's about our greens, not our genes! Eating affordable, nutritious, and delicious plant-based foods is one of the best ways for us to get healthy now and for the rest of our lives."

The 10,000 Black Vegan Women program, which launches in May, features meal plans, recipes, shopping lists, videos and a wealth of nutrition advice to help guide participants on how to best transition into a plant-based lifestyle.

To get started right now, you can sign up for the program's 2-Day jumpstart e-guide which helps you try out veganism for a weekend.