Your Score: A Solid B — You’re Getting There! Keep Up the Good Work!
|Updated Feb 18, 2021
You're adding more plants to your diet and you should be proud!
You're taking steps towards a plant-based diet, and we want to encourage you to keep going! You don't have to give up all animal products, but you should congratulate yourself for making the effort to eat healthier.
Your Score: A Solid B — You’re getting there! Keep Up the Good Work!
- If you want to take the guesswork out of cooking healthy food, check out our ‘Find Vegan Near Me’ tab which helps you locate plant-based restaurants in your area
- Try to add more of these 5 superfoods to your plate every day for better overall health
- Need more motivation? Adopting a whole food plant-based could help prevent the worst symptoms of COVID-19
Based on your results we recommend that you try our simple plant-based VegStart Diet plan that includes:
- 14 Days of Recipes: Breakfasts, lunches, dinners & snacks
- 2 Shopping Lists: One for each week of the diet
- 1 Meal-Prep Guide: Set yourself up for success
- 15 Motivating Tips: To make it easy to stay on track
- 1 VegStart Diet E-book: It's beautiful with over 100 pages!
- 14 Daily Newsletters: One for each day of the diet
- 1 Helpful Community: Join and support each other
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