Nut Pod Unsweetened Original Creamer
Nutpods is the closest you'll get to the real thing! Tasters immediately gave this dairy-free creamer a 5 out 5. The texture is smooth and mixes with coffee instantly. Unlike soy creamers, this almond and coconut-based creamer doesn't separate once your done stirring. Nut Pods is the most comparable to half and half in the whole list of creamers!
Nutpods Original Unsweetened Almond + Coconut Creamer
Nuts for Nutpods
Editor's Take
Nutpods are the closest you'll get to the real thing! Tasters immediately gave this dairy-free creamer a 5 out of 5 for taste. The texture is smooth and mixes with coffee instantly. Unlike soy creamers, this almond and coconut-based creamer doesn't separate once you're done stirring. Nut Pods is the most comparable to half and half that we have found so far in the whole list of creamers! Non-vegans will love it!