European Parliament Votes To End Caged Farming by 2027
The European Parliament voted this week to implement a ban on caged farming across the European Union. Following the committee’s debate regarding the “End the Cage Age” petition, the parliament decided in favor of the ban that aims to completely dismantle caged animal farming by 2027. Announced on June 10th, the non-binding resolution hopes to change animal agriculture across Europe by removing cages in an effort to reinvent the food supply chain. The parliament vote was substantially in favor of the ban with 558 votes for, and only 85 abstentions and 37 votes against.
“It is important that today, we can say we have listened to you and we will continue to listen; we have heard you and we will continue to hear and will deliver upon your aspirations, which are shared aspirations,” European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides said. “Animal welfare is for us a political priority and we will continue to show our commitment.”
On June 30th, the European Commission took the next step in enacting the legislative process. The ban will go into effect beginning in 2023 and will begin phasing out cages for hens, rabbits, ducks, geese, calves, and pigs. The Commission claims that cages will be completely removed from the animal agriculture process by 2027.
"Today is a historic day for animal welfare," Kyriakides said. "Animals are sentient beings and we have a moral, societal responsibility to ensure that on-farm conditions for animals reflect this. I am determined to ensure that the EU remains at the forefront of animal welfare on the global stage and that we deliver on societal expectations."
The vote came after the Compassion in World Farming (CIWP) led the “End the Cage Age” petition, gaining more than 1.4 million EU citizens. The petition also garnered support from 170 organizations and all 27 member states of the EU. The European Commission is required to respond to any petition with more than 1 million signatures, putting the caged farming ban on the committee’s table.
“Now, the ball is in the Commission’s court,” CIWF wrote on its Instagram. “We expect to see words put into action, followed by an ambitious timetable for ending the use of these outdated torture instruments called cages.”
The animal agriculture industry globally has used caged farming as the normal practice for decades. Caged farming is commonly used in the poultry industry as a way to speed up factory farming, but the CIWP hopes to stop the confinement of animals just for increased profits.
“It is a question of striking the right balance,” German MEP and European People’s Party member Norbert Lins said during the debate. “So in 2027, we’re suggesting that’s a possible date that should be explored to end the cage age. We know that those who husbanding animals need compensation.”
The petition is the beginning of a greater campaign to change the animal agriculture industry. Beyond CIWP, multiple organizations are working towards changing the way the industry treats animals, attempting to minimize and disband normalized cruelty. The EU Food Safety commissioner Stell Kyriakides confirmed that the European Commission is weighing applying the same welfare standard to all imported products. This import ban would encourage global industries to change their practices.
The petition comes from CIWP’s greater campaign known as its Farm to Fork strategy, which is dedicated to reducing the environmental and climate impact of animal agriculture.
“With cage farming and moving away from cage farming, we hope that we will move to a more sustainable agriculture,” the Head of CIWP told Euronews Olga Kikou said. “And last but not least, we are absolutely certain that moving away from cage farming is very much in line with the Farm to Fork Strategy that this commission endorses.”
The global market is already changing rapidly. Outside of the European Union, focus on animal agriculture and cruelty-free practices are at the forefront. In recent years, the United States passed state-wide caged farming bans in states including Michigan, Oregon, Massachusetts, Colorado, and California.
The 12 Best Non-Dairy Coffee Creamers For That Real Cream Taste
1. Califia Unsweetened Almond Milk Creamer
Califia Farms Almond Creamer is made with real almonds and coconut cream to give a rich, full-flavored texture and has 2 grams of added sugar. The consistency is so thick it’s more like a heavy cream rather than a creamer substitute. Regardless, it froths up well and is very creamy. The almond taste is noticeable but the creamer isn’t bitter or grainy. You don’t need to use a lot of it; a little goes a long way!
2. Silk Dairy-Free Original Soy Creamer
Silk Original Dairy-Free Original Soy Creamer has only 1 gram of added sugar, but sadly it does not froth up well when I heated it due to a thinner, more watery consistency. It didn't combine well with coffee, no matter how much was added. Because of the underwhelming flavor, this was my least favorite.
3. Coffee-Mate Natural Bliss® Unsweetened Plant-Based Half-and-Half
This Natural Bliss Coconut Milk Creamer/Sweet Cream is the best one I’ve found for both frothing and taste, especially if you miss the consistency and flavor of half-and-half. It’s creamy and has a hint of coconut, but no overwhelming coconut flavor. Note: it is made with pea protein, unlike the other ones, which is probably why it’s thicker. Always check ingredients if you have food allergies because unexpected ingredients such as peas can be hiding in the product, and you would never know by the taste.
4. So Delicious Organic Coconut Milk Creamer
So Delicious has been marketing dairy-free frozen desserts, yogurt alternatives, and smooth plant-based beverages for over 30 years. Besides the coconut milk, they also have “Original,” “Snickerdoodle.” “Caramel” and “Creamy Vanilla” flavors. I only sampled the coconut milk flavor. This is the only one in this taste test with 0 grams of added sugar. It has a very rich coconut taste and froths up nicely in coffee like milk. It’s not as thick as some of the others but is a good alternative to ultra-sweet creamers if you want to be careful about your sugar intake. The coconut flavor is powerful but not overwhelming.
5. CoffeeMate Natural Bliss Vanilla Oat Milk Creamer
Natural Bliss Oat Milk Creamer, Vanilla Natural Flavor, with 4 grams added sugar is similar to Coffee Mate’s Coconut creamer but without the coconut flavor. It’s super-rich and creamy with a hint of oat flavor but not bitter at all. My new favorite! This is the best one I’ve found for frothing and taste especially if you miss the consistency and flavor of half and half. It’s like the real thing as it’s creamy, fluffy and not grainy. Remember to shake it up before putting in your frother. Use a little and be happy with your non-dairy latte!
6. Original Oat-Ly Oat Milk Barista Edition
The Original Oat-Ly Oat Milk Barista Edition contains 4 grams of sugar but its full-flavored taste makes it a rich choice. It doesn’t market itself as a creamer but it does advertise as the choice for the barista community. It’s slightly less frothy than real milk when mixed but the flavor is pleasant, not bitter, and I would choose it again.
7. Silk Oat Yeah Oat Milk Creamer
Silk Oat Yeah Oat Milk Creamer, the Vanilla One has 4 grams of added sugar and is also at the top of my list. While it’s sweet, it’s also incredibly rich which means you can use less of it in your coffee. It was thick and creamy when frothed and it adds a fluffy cap to your coffee as lattes make with real cream. Note that pea protein is an added ingredient in this creamer as well. This can rival the real thing but choose this one only if you like a strong vanilla aftertaste!
8. Silk Vanilla Almond Creamer
The Silk Almond Creamer Vanilla boasts that it’s “America’s #1 Almond Creamer. But with 4 grams added sugar you may want to use it sparingly. It did taste sweet and was nice and thick, so someone who likes rich creamers will love it. The vanilla aftertaste was pretty strong. And it's a little too syrupy sweet for my taste.
9. Nut Pod Creamer Unsweetened Original
Nutpods is the closest you'll get to the real thing! Tasters immediately gave this dairy-free creamer a 5 out 5. The texture is smooth and mixes with coffee instantly. Unlike soy creamers, this almond and coconut-based creamer doesn't separate once your done stirring. Nut Pods is the most comparable to half and half in the whole list of creamers!
10. Forager Organic Dairy-Free Half & Half
Forager is cashew milk and coconut cream based that mixes for a unique and flavorful taste. The consistency was on the thinner side, and if you're a heavy cream or half-and-half devotee this is probably not the creamer for you, although those who like a lighter flavor will enjoy it.
11. Trader Joe's Coconut Creamer
This creamer is rich, round and doesn't taste too overtly of coconut. You only need a splash to achieve a nice, creamy effect in your coffee, and there's no watered-down consistency, so if you swear by heavy cream or half & half, give this Trader Joe's option a try! At only $1.69 per carton, this product is a steal.
12. Malk Organics Unsweetened Almond Malk
The thickest consistency of the bunch, resembling a heavy cream rather than half and half. Malk has only 5 ingredients, making it super clean and healthy! The almond flavor might be overpowering to those who like less flavor in their creamer. Add the Maple Pecan flavor to your coffee for an even sweeter taste.
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