Reality Bites: Cauliflower and Kimchi Fried Rice

|Updated Jan 24, 2020

Welcome to Reality Bites, our series of reporting back on readers who make the recipes we feature here at The Beet. This is where they test the recipe, let us know what it took to make it and whether it was worth making again. Please send your Reality Bites stories to

Why This Recipe?

I love kimchi and all things fermented, but I had never heard of recipes that cooked with them, so I wanted to check it out!

Did You Have the Ingredients on Hand:

I had all the ingredients except for cilantro and the right type of kale. Luckily, both were super easy to find! The recipe specifies lacinato kale, but any hearty variety would work.

How Did It Turn Out?

This recipe was so easy to make and was such a crowd-pleaser. Nobody could believe that it was cauliflower and not traditional rice, and the unique kimchi flavor was an interesting addition to typical fried rice flavors from the sesame oil and tamari.

I made this recipe twice in a matter of days – once with white kimchi and one with spicy kimchi. I love that this recipe is so customizable depending on the flavor of the kimchi!

How Long Did It Take?

This recipe took around 35 minutes. If you are tight for time, I would recommend using frozen cauliflower rice instead of using a food processor or grating it by hand. You could also speed things up by using pre-chopped curly kale instead of cutting the lacinato kale into ribbons by hand.

How Would You Modify It:

This recipe is perfect as-is!

Would You Make it Again?

I already have -- and loved it more every time!